RVT 2 DWG (PWGSC Ontario)
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitConvert Autodesk® Revit® Sheets to Autodesk® AutoCAD® DWG files - Compatible with PWGSC Ontario CAD Standards (version 10.04)
USD 600,00 -
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitConvert Autodesk® Revit® Sheets to Autodesk® AutoCAD® DWG files - Compatible with PWGSC NCA CAD Standards (version 10.x)
USD 600,00 -
RVT 2 DWG (PWGSC Atlantic)
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitConvert Autodesk® Revit® Sheets to Autodesk® AutoCAD® DWG files - Compatible with PWGSC Atlantic CAD Standards (version 10.x).
USD 600,00 -
Autodesk® Docs Extension for AutoCAD®
Betriebssystem: Win64Mit dem Plug-in Autodesk® Docs Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® können Sie Ihre CAD-Zeichnung als PDF-Datei aus AutoCAD heraus direkt in Autodesk Docs oder Autodesk® BIM 360® publizieren.
Kostenlos -
CS Artisan landscape for Autodesk® AutoCAD®
Betriebssystem: Win64Web-integrated professional landscape solution for AutoCAD - intelligent data-rich CAD system for creating, managing and delivering landscape projects.
USD 126,90/M -
CS Artisan landscape for Autodesk® AutoCAD® -TRIAL
Betriebssystem: Win64Web-integrated professional landscape solution for AutoCAD - intelligent data-rich CAD system for creating, managing and delivering landscape projects.
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Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitPoly-U includes 67 kinds of mathematical formulas, gradient curves between curves, influence curve, quadrilateral mapping, curve optimization, associative curve, inner and outer contours, etc.
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Evolve FM - SaaS
Evolve FM is a zero footprint, browser based application for managing facilities information, including space, assets, operations, moves and documents. Visit www.cafmresources.com for more info.
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Radial HUD
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 Bit10 commands in a single click. Heads up Display for Autodesk® AutoCAD® & verticals.
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MOICON Digital Twin
Factory Operations has evolved, but so has Moicon. Moicon is the next/generation web/based Digital Twin platform powering manufacturing operations, with 3D visualization directly in your web browser.
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Block Browser
Betriebssystem: Win64Der Block Browser gewährt einen übersichtlichen Zugriff auf Ihre Autodesk® AutoCAD®-Blöcke.
Kostenlos -
ApliCAD DWGExplorer
Betriebssystem: Win64ApliCAD DWGExplorer is a Free Plug-in for CAD programs that facilitates the analysis and search of the different elements included in a DWG file.
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Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitUnterstützung beim Entwurf technischer Zeichnungen in Architektur, Elektrotechnik, Mechanik, Heizung-Lüftung–Sanitär.
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File Locking for Autodesk® BIM 360®
Betriebssystem: Win64File Locking for Autodesk® BIM 360® provides automatic locking and unlocking for DWG and DWT files that are stored in BIM 360 when they are opened in Autodesk® AutoCAD®.
Kostenlos -
Quick 3D Print for Autodesk® AutoCAD®
Betriebssystem: Win64Application for a quick 3D print of your models by 3DprinterOS - the world’s first operating system for 3D printers.
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Title Block Exchange - Local License
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitTitle Block Exchange Application is a feature-rich, easy-to-use tool to help users maintaining delivery information, updating whole project drawings' title blocks with Excel register by a few click.
USD 99,99 -
Betriebssystem: Win64Triangulation creates a SubDMesh, Polyface Mesh or 3D Solid from a set of points using a Delaunay triangulation algorithm.
USD 0,50/M -
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitAuto estimation from 2D CAD drawings in minutes.
USD 10,00/M -
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitSteel bar Optimization software.
USD 15,00/M -
Surface Creator
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitCreate dynamic cross-sections of the ground level.
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Isometric Dimensioning Tool
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitEnables Isometric dimensioning without having to manipulate UCS or dim styles.
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Custom Tile hatch pattern
Betriebssystem: Win64This application will help you to create a custom tile hatch pattern with the gap between tiles in horizontal and vertical angles.
USD 5,00 -
Points of interest
Betriebssystem: Win64Specify or import points from .shp or .csv files. Then review and edit the points in drawings or map the points to your own blocks.
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Trial Trench
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitThis app makes drawing trial trenches easy and uniformly.