
Opis provides schedule Analysis (including DCMA), Comparison, Earned Value, Enterprise Cash Flow, Multi-Schedule Trends, Schedule Conversion, Gantt Viewer, Excel Look Ahead Creation/Import/Comparisons. It integrates seamlessly with Autodesk® BIM 360® allowing you to store/manage your schedule files in BIM 360 Docs and use PC.o for all your schedule analysis needs.


Note: Works with Primavera P6 (.XER), Pheonix (.XER), and Microsoft Project (.MPP)

Note: App is compatible with BIM 360 Docs.

Opis wersji testowej

30 days trial

Informacje na temat tej wersji

Wersja 1.0.0, 23.09.2021
Initial release.

Zrzuty ekranu i nagrania wideo

PC.o Gantt shows activity details, allows you to trace the logic by clicking successors/predecessors, and create fragnet

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