Resolve for Autodesk® BIM 360®
The Resolve BIM 360 integration enables teams to host virtual reality meetings from BIM 360 hosted projects. By simply linking their BIM 360 account, project teams can review any of their BIM 360 hosted models on the Oculus Quest.
Teams utilizing BIM 360 workflows can use Resolve to review the latest version of their project model without needing to go through any complex export workflows for VR. By simply publishing to BIM 360, Resolve will have the latest version ready for virtual reality coordination and review meetings. Resolve’s speech-to-text annotations can be used to flag issues while wearing a VR headset which will be automatically synced with the project's BIM 360 issues.
Note: App is compatible with Autodesk® Build, BIM 360 Docs and BIM 360 Team.
To start a 2 week trial create an account via the InsiteVR desktop app and then click "Start Free Trial" on the top banner.
Or you can create an account via the InsiteVR website: https://www.insitevr.com