Surfaces Toggle

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Toggles the surfaces in a drawing to a non-display style from a display style. Rerunning the command returns the surfaces to the original style they previously where when the command was run.


This program is useful when working with multiple surfaces in a drawing and you want to turn off all surface display in a drawing to remove cluttering contours, triangles, points, or other displayed properties of a surface.

Acerca de esta versión

Versión 1.5.0, 13/04/2023
Upgrade to 2024

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Shows the state of all of the surfaces set to not display.

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  • Redundant App
    Brad Kanther | noviembre 04, 2015

    Just curious, what does this App do that Isolate Objects doesn't already do? "Right-Click" - Hide Selected objects?

    Christopher Fugitt (Editor) | noviembre 04, 2015

    You are correct you can hide the surfaces in the same manner as the Isolate Objects. The benefit in this command is you don't have to select any surfaces. Here is an old blog post on the command. There is also a feature in the SincPac that adds a command where you toggle on and off various surface components from the right click menu if you wish for more control.

    Frederick J Dennick Jr | mayo 17, 2013 Descarga verificada (¿Qué es esto?)

    I do a lot a LOT of feature line based site grading. With C3D this means multiple surfaces and multiple drawing files. Being able to control the display of all these surfaces is a BIG plus. Very good product!

  • Excellent
    NEIL WILSON | diciembre 27, 2012 Descarga verificada (¿Qué es esto?)

    This tool is a real joy to have. When working on a design we often need to turn surface displays off and on to get them out of the way or to inspect them after making changes. It is cumbersome to have to access prospector and change the surface styles everytime we need to turn them off and on. Having this tool on the Quick Access bar eliminates that hassle entirely. One pick and all the surfaces are off, pick again and they come back just as they were. For this price you can't go wrong. I HIGHLY recommend it.

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