C3D Style Tool Palette

Digitally signed app
Are you looking for faster workflows in Autodesk® Civil 3D® ? This is the app you need!!
This app creates a dynamic tool palette linked to your current drawing's object/label styles.
Upon running the command a tool palette will generate, having two tabs, one for objects and the other for labels. Select the desired tab and use the drop down box to select the desired object type. Upon selection, buttons will appear with the corresponding style names. Select a button, and click an object of that type in your drawing to apply the style. Applying styles is done fast and simple. No more jumping through numerous dialog boxes. Just pick a style from the tool palette and apply.
YouTube Presentation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjic3RIu8ok&feature=youtu.be
Software EULA: http://www.redtransitconsultants.com/software-eula