Data Exchange - Civil 3D®, Early Access
Data Exchange for Civil 3D® Connector allows you to create and share Data Exchanges and consume Data Exchanges that are created and shared by other Autodesk® and non-Autodesk applications.
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Multiline Tools
OS: Win32 および 64Convert polylines to multilines, convert multilines to polylines, and change multiline styles.
USD 10.00 -
3D Slope Pattern
OS: Win32 および 64Draw the slope pattern between two 3D polylines, considering the 3D polyline's elevations, resulting in a 3D slope pattern. Configure the command through a dialog box.
USD 8.00 -
Labeling Contour Polylines
OS: Win32 および 64Insert elevation text in selected polylines, setting a distance increment and other options through a dialog box.
USD 10.00 -
Slope Pattern with Benchs
OS: Win32 および 64Draw the slope pattern between two polylines. Configure the command through a dialog box to choose ticks interval, bench distance, and other options.
USD 12.00 -
Lumion® LiveSync® for Autodesk® AutoCAD®
OS: Win64Set up real-time rendering between Autodesk® AutoCAD® and Lumion, and your architectural rendering workflows will never be the same again.
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POWERJOIN – Automatic Polyline Find and Join
OS: Win64Joins and cleans-up polylines and line entities to create closed boundaries and to close gaps not seen visibly.
評価版 -
OS: Win32 および 64This function draws a sheet of selected dialog window size and scale.
USD 6.00 -
BlockList - Detailed Block Listing and Reporting
OS: Win64View details of a block’s hierarchy and save to TEXT file.
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BLKORDER – Nested Entity Layer Order
OS: Win64Moves entities inside blocks to the uppermost layer, above all other layers in the block.
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LORDER – Layer Object View Order
OS: Win64Allows users to easily arrange current layers in any desired order with a couple of picks.
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BlkMaker – Adds, Deletes, Extracts Block Entities
OS: Win64Adds, deletes, and extracts entities from a parent block without exploding.
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BlkReplace - Block Definition Replacement
OS: Win64This application replaces any new block for all selected insertions of any other block.
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VECTORIZE – Multifunction Vector ConversionTool
OS: Win64Convert Spline Objects, Ellipse objects, Arc objects, Polyline-Arcs, and Circles into vectorized objects based on user-defined segment length.
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SNAP2GRID – Auto-Snap Objects to Grid
OS: Win64Moves entities to the closest intersection of a user defined grid.
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TTCONV – True Type Font Vectorizer
OS: Win64Converts True Type fonts into user-specified vector outlines or filled hatch while preserving the original text.
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DISPLAYLEN – Display Polyline Segment Lengths
OS: Win64Places the Length of selected polyline segments, next to the segment as text with user-defined Height, Angle, and offset and drawing dimensions’ units.
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Boundary Maker – Composite Boundary Boolean Tool
OS: Win64Generate outlines from any combined object shapes on a user-specified layer with a user-specified offset.
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Trimmer - Automatic Trim using Boundary
OS: Win64Trim lines or polylines internally or externally, using a closed boundary as the edge.
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TTCONV3D – True-Type Vectorizer and 3D
OS: Win64Converts True Type fonts into user-specified vector outlines, a filled hatch, or 3D Solids while preserving the original text.
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VECT2ARC – Vectorized Shapes to Arcs
OS: Win64Converts arc shapes created with multiple vectors into smooth polyline arcs.
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Count texts and blocks
OS: Win64This app is a powerful tool developed using VB.NET that allows you to count the number of each object and export the values to an Excel file.
USD 10.00 -
Total Lengths and Areas
OS: Win64Calculates the Total Length and Total Area of multiple objects of selected type(s) and exports the values to an Excel file.
USD 10.00 -
OS: Win32 および 64True Quickrotate / Quickmirror function. Rotates/mirrors selected objects about the center of selection in one step.
USD 4.00