Drainage Manholes Network Program

Drainage Manholes Network Program



The purpose of this awesome program is to draft the Drainage Manholes Network along with all the necessary main requirements, such as Invert Levels and Manholes’ sizes based on the depth of manholes along with automatic dimensions and a dynamic option to start from any manhole, at any level, and many more options that can be found once you run the program.

Описание пробной версии

Now you can use the program for 15 days at the minimum.

The trial version works with one scale: 1.0 as meter units and once you purchase the program, you get the full and permanent copy of the program that works on three scales as shown in the Scale dialog upon loading the program or via pressing the Scale button from the main dialog of the program.

Сведения об этой версии

Версия 1.6.0, 27.03.2024
Updated release.

Скриншоты и видео

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