Sabbagh Concrete
Creates Automatic shop drawings, quantities, and bar bending schedules for concrete elements.
Easy-to-use interface for immediate productivity.
With Sabbagh Concrete you can quickly and accurately produce high-quality drawings. You can focus on the conceptual part of the design rather than having to deal with Autodesk® AutoCAD® editing work.
Imperial units / Metric units .
There are ten tabs in the program: Beams, Sections in ETABS, Columns, Shear walls, Stairs, Footing, Retaining Walls, Quantities, Reinforcement tables, and the Bar Bending Schedule.
The program calculates structural quantities:
1- Volume of reinforced concrete.
2- Volume of plain concrete.
3- Weight of rebar by diameter.
4- Area of insulation.
5- Volume of digging soil and backfilling soil in retaining wall.
You can easily create your concrete elements and save them and modify them any time you want.
You can import beams and columns sections with area reinforcement from ETABS.
In addition to the ability to create shop drawings, the program checks ACI 318 code requirements, frames requirements OMRF IMRF SMRF, and beam-column joints.
Rebar tags are changeable, it can adapt to the requirements of all countries.
The installer is compatible with AutoCAD 2014 and newer versions.
You can download ETABS software from :
You can try Sabbagh Concrete for 30 days.
yo utilizo en civil 3d como autocad, pero no se pueed abrir en este programa, alguna recomendacion ?
es facil de usar, excelente programa
me pide constraseña para descomprimir archivos
Gracias por usar Sabbagh Concrete. Por favor, póngase en contacto conmigo en la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico: info.sabbagh.concrete@gmail.com o Telegrama: https://t.me/Mazen_Sabbagh o LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mazen-sabbagh-929607191
it's an incredible program, I recommend it
good job!
The tools saves a lot of time we were spending while producing drawings. it would also be better if other concrete codes are included.
nice program and i like it very well .. good job!!
Perfect tool and it make the work easier.
wow good job ,Really it is a great software, flexible and accurate and time saving, I recommand it
Nesecito la licencia cuanto es el costo por favor
Gracias por usar Sabbagh Concrete. Por favor, póngase en contacto conmigo en la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico: info.sabbagh.concrete@gmail.com o Telegrama: https://t.me/Mazen_Sabbagh o LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mazen-sabbagh-929607191
great tool realy helpful
Great Job!
This software is easy to use and time saving.
It helps me to do a shop drawing and quantites for 6 stories building and took one day only.
Go ahead and we wait more updates.
Awesome extension !
It's a great tool, keep going
It is very useful one, it is easy to use and save my time.
Really it is a great software, flexible and accurate and time saving, I recommand it