Shaper Utilities
Shaper Utilities will provide a range of workflow improvements enhancing Shaper products.
Initially, Shaper Origin (our handheld CNC) receives a two-click export feature. Eliminating the time lost to complicated and cumbersome export procedures.
Origin users will appreciate spending their time fabricating iterating and experimenting.
Informationen zu dieser Version
Version 1.8.0, 12.09.2024
Fixed: component grounded to parent handled correctly
Python updated for compatibility with the current python shipped with Fusion
QUick and easy.
One of the most best addons I ever used in any software.
Thaanks for creating it and additional kudos for the fact it is a freeware.
i do not see the preference option on my mac... only works for windows
Great functionality, just please use valid certificates to sign your MSI.
It says that api changed and i need to update extension (i downloaded the 1.8) :/
I'm having the same problem
I got this when I trued to run the latest version on 9/24/24.
"Due to some internal changes made to the Fusion API, the Add-In: 'ShaperUtilities' from 'Brian Ekins' cannot be loaded. You need to install a new version of the Add-In that is compatible with this version of Fusion."
Grab the latest version 1.8.0 ( with the download link top right on this page ) It has been updated to work with the latest version of Fusion.
Just reinstall the latest version of the extension. It worked for me.
I am also getting this error. I tried downloading the latest version (1.8.0) today (sept 27th) and I'm still getting the error. I'm on MacOS, maybe that's why downloading the latest didn't work for me but seems to be working for other people? Sam Cutrriss and Francis Cobbler, can you tell me if you are using macos or windows?
Also getting this error on mac (1.8.0). On 10/4/2024
Same problem
Same issue on 12/09/2024, deleted, then updated the API, and Fusion, I'm unable to export to Origin - "Due to some internal changes made to the Fusion API, the Add-In: 'ShaperUtilities' from 'Brian Ekins' cannot be loaded. You need to install a new version of the Add-In that is compatible with this version of Fusion."
Thanks to the Shaper team for making such a great plug-in and making it available for free.
It exports SVG files which is super helpful. I use it to export SVG's to use on my CNC and vinyl cutter. I have been using this plug-in for several years and recently it broke which was super frustrating. This broke my whole workflow. I would get errors complaining about 3 point curves or something. Turns out Autodesk changed something in Fusion. The Shaper team found a really easy workaround/fix. Just turning off a setting:
I have been using this plugin for many years and I think it's awesome. It's weird that the functionality isn't natively supported in Fusion 360...
I was having issues where some faces would only export as blank SVGs. But others seemed to work fine.
After a lot of tinkering, I found that rotating the body so that the face points towards the "Front" or "Back", it works properly. Any other planes export as blank.
we are working on a fix to the problem you are seeing, in the mean time we have a simple work around: disable: preferences>design>assemblies>first component grounded to parent https://community.shapertools.com/t/shaper-utilities-export-error-fix-5-31-24/13609
I've loved this utility but the current version doesn't work correctly with the newest version for Fusion. It does not export the correct face and is unable to export certian geometries. It makes most of wha I use Fusion for useless. Is there a fi for this in the works?
we are working on a fix to the problem you are seeing, in the mean time we have a simple work around: https://community.shapertools.com/t/shaper-utilities-export-error-fix-5-31-24/13609
I came here looking for help too! Something was changed recently that breaks the exporting. I am stuck! It has work for so long but just stopped.
Would be nice if the 'shaper utilities' had more functionality than just for the Origin.
For example, i have the Shaper Trace; these utilities would be great if they let me import my traces / svg's from shapertools files directly into Fusion360.
This has been such a great help and it works great.
I mostly use it for cutting pieces on my Laser but I will be using my CNC Router soon and it will be great for that too.
The only suggestion I would like to make is that the file name of the SVG be the same as the Name of the model file with version instead of Body1.svg when saving the file.
A minor thing I can live with but it would be a great help if future releases are made.
does not work anymore since the newest fusion update. Only exporting Entire Sketch works
Check the pos of 17-05-24! worked for me! https://support.shapertools.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003081434-Fusion-360-Troubleshooting
Running Sonoma 14.4.1 on a M3 Mac with 64GB of ram. No other apps running other than Fusion. Downloaded Shaper Origin today. It runs pretty quickly up to Compute Finished and then I get the spinning globe and Fusion is shown as Not Responding in the Activity Manager. I've let it run for some time with no change. I have to force quit fusion. I would really like to use this as the alternative is $500. Thanks for any suggestion! Rating a 5 in the hope that this will work :)
hallo. nachdem ich gestern das neuste update von fusion 360 geladen habe sagt mir 360 das es mit dem shaper plugin einen API fehler gibt und nicht mehr genutzt werden kann
Das ist ganz normal und bei anderen PlugIns das Gleiche. Nach einer Änderung der API muss der Entwickler des PlugIns seine Software entsprechend anpassen und veröffentlichen.
I get a failed install on Ventura.
В Illustratore отлично открывается.
currently trying to run most recent version and it gives an error saying it is incompatible with current version of fusion 360.
Fusion Version: 2.0.16985 x86_64
I had the same installation problems as Ken Kreshtool on May 07, 2020. His advice saved me a lot of time because the installation appeared to be successful, but I still didn't see anything. That way, within a few minutes I had the SharperUtilities.bundle in the right place and it was running like clockwork. I give the tool 5 stars, I would rather not rate the installation. The configuration was this:
Fusion 360 2.0.17721 x86_64
macOS 13.6.1 (22G313) on MacBookPro15,4
this will work great for my tool
Ive had issues for it not working lately but now I downloaded it again and closed Fusion 360 then clicked Sharper Utilities in my downloads and installed then I opened 360 again and now it works !!!
It's simple and perfect
A must-have application if you want to laser-cut fusion models. Downloaded the newest version of Fusion and then the latest update for Shaper tools. Worked first-time perfectly. A great free app.
Update works as advetised. Just make sure you install the addon, if Fusion is running, exit and restart after the update is done.
First of all, this is a handy addon. but now with the new fusion version it doesn't work. I downloaded the latest version but I still have the same message. I hope I will get back soon.
Did they fix it?
Are you able to communicate some specifics of what you are seeing? Please include the text you see in any error displayed or a description of what steps produce the issue We have tested it successfully on all hardware and software we have available. What os ( mac / win ) and version? can you confirm you have uninstalled all old copies of Shaper Utilities ( look for them in the fusion utilities / addons menu ) can you confirm you were able to download and install 1.7.0? if not, what errors did you see? do you see an error mentioning shaper utilities when starting fusion? do you see shaper utilities 1.7.0 listed as installed an running in the utilities / addon menu? can you confirm the Shaper Utilities icon is present in the ui in the design/utilities tab at the top of the screen? does the shaper utilities panel display when clicking the button? if not are there errors? are you able to export in regular single solid body mode? are you able to export in all modes?
I was very excited when I found this add in. Unfortunately, as others have complained about, this add in gets an error from Fusion and is not available. I tried this multiple times on 9/18/23 and the latest version was updated on 9/15/23. I really hope they will get this repaired.
Probleme d'installation
Impossible de charger l'utilitaire dans la derniere version de Fusion
Make sure you have downloaded version 1.7.0 it is designed to work with the current Fusion version
Même chose de mon côté. Une solution de trouvée?
The best tool out there, but my fusion updated and it now states that a newer version of this tool is needed due to changes in Fusion. I hope a new one can be made!
UPDATE: reinstalled it again and error message gone! Plug in works, just make sure you have the newest 1.7 version and you close out and restart fusion for it to take effect.
Can you confirm you downloaded the current version of Shaper Utilities ( 1.7.0 ) It was released September 19th ( same as the Fusion 360 update ) enabling users to update and continue working with the updated Fusion.
Same problem as the people described before: Fusion update, you will need to install a new version of the Add-In: 'ShaperUtilities' from 'Brian Ekins' due to some internal changes being made to the Fusion 360 API
Any help available for now? I´ve the latest version of Fusion 360 updated today.
Here also the latest version of Fusion 360 but the Add-in (downloaded & installed today) is working fine. Please check under "Utilities" in the top bar.
I am having the same issue with version Fusion 360 2.0.16985 x86_64 on win 10
Same error here unfortunately. I just downloaded the plugin today and tested. Is there going to be an update?
Just downloaded and installed the utilitiy twice on Win 11 and Fusion 360 2.0.16976 x86_64, no Shaper button is displayed and fusion popped up an error message:
Fusion update, you will need to install a new version of the Add-In: 'ShaperUtilities' from 'Brian Ekins' due to some internal changes being made to the Fusion 360 API.
Same thing for me, version : Fusion 360 2.0.17211 arm64 [Native] macOS 13.5.1 (22G90) on iMac21,1
the message you are seeing is not an error, just a warning that Fusion is going to update soon, when it does you will need to download a new version of shaper utilities. you should see the shaper button displayed in the design > utilities tab. Shaper Utilities has been tested, and works correctly on windows 11 If you have any more info you can share that would help diagnose what is going wrong. eg: are you seeing shaper utilities displayed and running in the addons menu? ( design>utilities>addons/addons ) ?
Hi, a new version of Fusion360 has been published and an warning on ShaperUtilities appear, Fusion360 version Fusion 360 2.0.16753 x86_64. Could you please update this plugin according to the the API constraints ? Many thanks for your job !
[edit] updated with new version 1.7.0, it works fine now, Many thanks !
Hi, same warning with Fusion 360 2.0.16976 x86_64 Thanks
The tool is the bee's knees. Made my life so much easier! Thanks so much!!
This is a livesaver for my workflow, which is currently producing output to Cricut cutters for balsa RC models. Let's not get into how many frustrating weeks it took to figure it all out end-to-end from DevWing to the crap Cricut software you have to use. However, every time I use it, it reminds me of the very cool Shaper Origin which may be a more useful option for me (on the woodworking side) than a fixed CNC table setup.
I am designing 2D pattern pieces using sketches; using normal lines for cutting, and construction lines for engraved detail.
When running the plug in I select input type as ‘entire sketch’ and check ‘export construction’.
This gives me what I want in most cases but there always seems to be at least one element where the line colour on the SVG (black for normal, blue for construction) is wrong.
There are a number of pattern pieces within a sketch and most output the correct line colours but theres always part of one piece that is always wrong.
I have redrawn the element that output wrong to see if that fixed the problem and it hasn’t.
thanks for taking the time to provide feedback, this one is squrrely, SVG shapes can only carry one fill / stroke across the whole shape, whereas fusion can mix and match line types for each segment. ie in fusion a rectangle can have 3 sides as regular lines and one side a construction line. but an svg will need to choose one or the other. And thats excaly what shaper utilities does for you ( which i can see being a little confusing ) to work around this find the point constraints at the path type transitions in the fusion sketch you wish to export and delete them. they will now be exported as two separate paths each with their own cut type encoding. keep in mind the paths will not be closed any more so you will only be able to use them as online cuts ( not inside / outside / pocket ) on origin unless you intend to take them into Shaper Studio for further manipulation.
I'm getting an error when trying to use this version with the latest Fusion 360. Some "changes" to the API:
API Error! Due to some internal changes made to the Fusion 360 API, the Add-In: 'ShaperUtilities' from 'Brian Ekins' cannot be loaded. You need to install a new version of the Add-In that is compatible with this version of Fusion 360.
I get this too and I installed the latest version of the plugin to make sure.
search your computer to be sure there is not an old version of ShaperUtilities.bundle installed elsewhere. the current version 1.6.10 will not display an error running the most recent fusion Fusion 360 2.0.15291 x86_64 ( win 10 pro )
I looked everywhere and cannot find Shaprer utils installed anywhere else. The details window on the Add-Ins section in Fusion 360 points to the correct ShaperUtilities.py. This app no longer works with Fusion 360 2.0.15299 x86_64 (Windows 10 Pro 22H2) The link provided by the error takes me to this page: https://help.autodesk.com/view/fusion360/ENU/?guid=GUID-BAF0FFFE-10B8-4612-ABAB-0EF5D4C6F800 ; Which basically says that complied python code is no longer OK with Fusion 360. It is perhaps working for you because you work at the company and you have a non-compiled version of the python. 'The message you received results from an add-in loaded on your machine that has compiled Python code that will be incompatible with the next update of Fusion 360 or is incompatible with the current version of Fusion 360. This message is displayed when Fusion 360 upgrades to a newer version of Python, and add-ins compiled against the previous version will no longer work.'
Levent, 1.6.10 was released primarily to address the python change you reference. I assure you, the Shaper team downloads and uses Shaper Utilities exactly the same way our customers do. I would recommend making a note of the directory its installed in, in my case on windows: C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins uninstall using the regular windows add / remove programs and applications workflow then double check its gone, deleting the ShaperUtilities.bundle if need be. to be extra cautious search your C: drive for ShaperUtilities to make sure no older installs exist. restart you computer ( once again just being cautious ) then redownload and install the addon i hope that will see you right, message me if you are still having issues
Hi Sam, Thank you! I deleted "ShaperUtilities.bundle" under "C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins" and reinstalled the plugin and now it works flawlessly. One strange thing to keep in mind though: I had version 1.6.10 installed and working before, I think it somehow it got corrupted after a Fusion 360 upgrade. Reinstalls did not fix the problem until I deleted the folder and re-installed it as you recommended. Thanks again for your help and providing the add-in to the community of makers.
Hi, a new version of Fusion360 has been published and an warning on ShaperUtilities appear agan , Fusion360 version Fusion 360 2.0.16753 x86_64. Could you please update this plugin according to the the API constraints ? Many thanks for your job !
I am getting the same error as Jerome Rodrigues. Hope this can be solved soon, thanks!
thank you for this utility, but i have a problem, when i use solid bodies layout, i can't select any face from bodies. Is there a solution for this?!
thank you
I've also got the same problem.
Solid body layout expects the bodies to be laid out on the X/Y plain. it has an overly aggressive constraint that tests bodies to make sure they are wider than they are tall. as a temporary work around try reducing the height (in Z) of the bodies you wish to export so they are wider in XY than they are tall, but beware, the depth value will need to be corrected on Origin to get the correct results.
I always tried export some face from a body but all fusion 360 freeze, all stops to respond commands. it´s terrible plug-in.
This is great for generating svg files regardless of if you have a shaper. It's easy to use and works perfectly!
Honestly, I don't even have a Shaper. I was just looking for a solution to cut adhesive backed velvet flockings for the designs I create in Fusion using my Silhouette Cameo 4. Took me barely more than 5 minutes to figure it out, worked like a charm. I can't understand why this isn't a default function in Fusion... Anyways, thank you guys!!!
I really like this tool. Before I send the DXF to my laser, I first cut the pieces in paper on a Cricut Maker 3 to see if it fits right, the software of the Cricut works best with SVG files. Finding this Add-In helped me a lot ! Way better and quicker then online converters.
Thanks !
When downloading Win64 version, the file saved was named "Unconfirmed ######.crdownload". Once I changed the filename to: ShaperUtilities_win64.msi the installer ran fine. A test export made a SVG file with no issues.
Thank you very much!!! It wasnt going to work until i changed the name as you said and it worked perfect.
thanks you that solved my problem too
Worked great in the past, since 1.6.2 it only generates empty SVG files.
Used the same model as before.
Tried it on 2 different computer.
Result unfortunately the same -> 0Byte SVG file
Changd from 1 to 5 stars because:
Support reacts fast for a work around with 1.6.2 and
With 1.6.3 it still works with german language.
Thank you !
the same for me ... that is a disaster
The same here.
1.6.3 is awaiting approval from autodesk, there is an issue in 1.6.2 when exporting using the german language preference. in the interim if you need to export a file switch fusion to english, and all should work as expected
The same for me, File is empty (O Kb)
same here on MACOSX. I hope for a quick fix.
I can only confirm that. It does not work with version 1.6.2 :-(
Same here - MacOS Monterey 12.3.1, Intel Mac - plugin exports only empty SVG files with zero byte
Unfortunately I have the same Problem on my MAC. Export only generates empty SVG files. Result is ab 0 Byte SVG file
Unfortunately I have the same problem on my MAC. It worked in the past but since 1.6.2 it generates empty SVG files Result is a 0 Byte SVG file. Frustrating!
This bug only seems to affect the German language version. Shaper will fix it in 1.6.3. In the meantime you can change the language to English, restart Fusion 360 and then you will be able to export.
Agreed. The same situation I am facing after the (forced) update to 1.6.2 today
same here :-(
sam cuttriss (Publisher) | April 01, 2022 1.6.3 is awaiting approval from autodesk, there is an issue in 1.6.2 when exporting using the german language preference. in the interim if you need to export a file switch fusion to english, and all should work as expected THANK YOU SO MUCH! IT WORKS!!
Excellent, great to hear you are up and running.
I got it to work once, but every time it saves, the window pops up for ~1second and then disappears again, so unless i time it just right at hit the save button right as it comes up, I can't actuall export.
This is running the plugin on a mac
I am having the same problem on Mac (maxOS Monterey v12.3, M1 chip). I have tried re-installing both Fusion and Shaper Utilities and I can't get rid of this bug.
I too have this same issue. In speaking with the developers it seemed to have something to do with the free license though nothing conclusive. I personally have never been able to click the button fast enough when the dialog appears and then disappears. I have tried this hundreds of times and it is rare that the dialog persists. Ultimately you have to keep trying and trying until you get the dialog to remain and then successfully export your SVG. It got bad enough that I had to ask somebody else to export a couple of files for me. Please fix this.
I am having the same issue too (only when trying to export multiple bodies though), it works occasionally, but mostly the window just disappears before you can click it.. Hoping an update is coming soon!
Hello, on mac: in order to display the save window, you just have to hold down the "command" key before confirming and the window will remain open and you can choose the destination of the created file.
We are aiming to get a fix for this in the coming days, stay tuned
Hope someone can help me. I love this plugin, however, it's been giving me an error while exporting which i cannot figure out. the error is "Error in calculating circle defined by 3 points. The points must be unique." after the error I get "An unexpected error occurred while executing the Shaper Origin Export command." It tells me to look in the log file but nothing in the log file makes sense to me. I searched online and could not fine any fixes or solutions. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I have found what was causing it. When I trimmed a curve from an offset curve and there were 3 points along that curve, that is what was causing the error. How I solved it was I made an arc with the 3-point arc tool along the same line as the offset curve then deleted the original trimmed offset curve. Once I did that to all the curves that had that and tried to export again the error was no longer popping up.
I've been trying to figure out how to export designs from F360 into Design Space by Cricut in order to rapidly prototype box designs. It has been really frustrating that no DXF export tools will properly export my curves. This tool seems to do a fantastic job exporting all features. I espescially love that I can export an entire sketch.
I'm still trying to figure out how to draw/export properly so the segments I want show up as unique segments. This is my problem and not a problem of the app.
Thanks so much shaper!!
If you're hoping to use this with parts designed in the sheetmetal workspace, hope again, cuz it's a total pain. Jump into a flat pattern and the tool disappears, so here's the workaround:
In the flat pattern, "export as DXF". Then File, Upload, and send that DXF right back into the cloud from whence it came. Now, open the DXF as its own design, and use this plugin on it.
For designs that don't have cutouts or holes, you're done, this works. But for designs that do have interior features, more suck awaits:
For some reason, this can't export an entire design at once, only the outer profiles or the interior features, not both. Those come out as separate files, and then you need to merge them somehow, preferabily while preserving alignment. I'm still working on a good way to do this.
Wow, how good is this for using with LaserGRBL?
btw, I had no issues installing from the Windows installer downloaded from here.
This plug-in just saved me hours!
installed it, restarted Fusion 360, and nothing is happening no Shaper icon, no nothing. I tried @Ken Kreshtool way but unfortunately is not working either for me.
Is there any other plugin that do work to export to svg?
It took me a while, but look for it under the tab "Tools", it's there, and it works!
@ Carlos: Thank you so much!
thank you! I had the same issue, thank you guys for helping me out!!!
Same thing happen to me. I eventually found it on the TOOLBAR under UTILITIES.
Hello folks,
[EDITED June 3, 2020]
I had a terrible time getting the new ShaperUtilities (Export to Origin) v1.5 installed into Fusion 360 (Mac OS) today. The installer failed. And none of the manual installation instructions were correct. They were just wrong as to the location in which to manually install the bundle. I wasted over 2 hours on this.
The correct answer seems to be this, if the installer fails:
VERSION 1: Manually install the "ShaperUtilities.bundle" file into the folder
[user]/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/ApplicationPlugins/
VERSION 2: Manually install the "ShaperUtilities.bundle" file into the folder
[user]/Library/Containers/com.autodesk.mas.fusion360/Data/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/ApplicationPlugins
Why 2 options? Because there are two very slightly different versions of Fusion 360, with different folders for where plug-ins go! If you downloaded it directly from Autodesk, use Version 1. If you downloaded it from the Mac App Store, use Version 2 (the ".mas" in the pathname = "mac app store"). In real life, you might have both — or remnants of both — on your Mac, like I do. Maybe I downloaded first from the Mac App Store and then downloaded a newer version directly from Autodesk? Crazy & confusing! Is there any easy way to know which version you are actually using? No.
I *think* it’s OK to install a copy of ShaperUtilities.bundle in both locations, if you have both locations available on your computer. YMMV.
As soon as I installed in location 1, and re-started Fusion 360, the “Export to Origin” icon — black circle with white triangle — was right there in the Tools tab. And the plugin is working fine, just like it used to before Fusion 360 changed things that necessitated the update to the plugin.
Can you please update your online installation instructions? I spent over 2 hours fighting with this. What a waste of time!!!
P.S. You can extract the ShaperUtilities.bundle file from the .pkg file using the app called Pacifist.
P.P.S. A lot of installation headaches are recently being caused by needing to give permission in Mac's System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy ... either "Accessibility" or "Full Disk Access". That wasn't the problem for me here — the installer failed for me even with those permissions given.
Thank you SO much for this!!!
that didn't work for me at all, the icon won't show up no matter what I do 😔
Thank you for this it is working fine now !
Saved the day, thanks!!!!
This was beyond helpful, Thank you. The bundle was extracted from the .pkg with Pacifist, added to both of the paths until it appeared in the Add-Ins. Pressed Run and the Shaper Icon Appeared. Again Thank You
I was able to install ShaperUtilities.bundle and placed it in both locations. When I click on the "add-ins" button the option to run shaper utilities is available, but nothing happens when I run it. I cannot for the life of me figure this out.
@san cuttriss - Same problem with MacOS here, and still not working:
I tried the green + method you mentioned in a previous reply, but when navigating to the ShaperUtilities.bundle it is greyed out in the file selector that appears after clicking +. It will not allow me to select it?
I can find ShaperUtilities.bundle in this location:
$HOME/Library/Containers/com.autodesk.mas.fusion360/Data/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/ApplicationPlugins/ShaperUtilities.bundle
and there is also a symbolic link to that file, from this location:
$HOME/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/ApplicationPlugins/ShaperUtilities.bundle
Could you please clarify which is the correct location? Would it be possible to just copy it to that location? Or does it have to be added with "+", and why does that not work?
Also, please clarify if it is required to add it both under the Script and the AddIns tab. Your answer seems to suggest both, but not why this is the case.
I tried that as well and there is indeed no way to select "ShaperUtilities.bundle" has it is greyed out. Any other suggestions?
It's a great tool, and I was worried that it might be abandoned when it stopped working with the latest Fusion360 releases.
Delighted to see it not only updated to be compatible, but also improved- hopefully no more weird line weight scaling 'features'!
Hello, you say that you have working it on the latest Fusion 360 release. I am trying to get it to work on version 2.0.6670, but after installation, it doesn't show up in Fusion. Any ideas on how to fix this?
I can't get the plugin to show up in Fusion 360. I've tried all the prescribed problem solving methods described in the help document for Mac OS.
Same Problem here: it does not show up. Any advice? Fusion 360 version: 2.0.7438 MacOS Catalina 10.15.3
Anyone struggling with mac installation, Fusion has a tendancy to install the addin to an old incorrect location. assuming the install succeeded, you ought to be able to manually direct fusion to the shaper utilities addin by clicking the geen "+" button in the tools>addins>scripts and addins> addins tab. Search your system for "ShaperUtilities.bundle" ( it can be in the old mac store location ) restart fusion, check the shaper utilities addin is listed in the addin menu, and make sure it is running. ( click the run at startup option ) and you should be good to go.
This plugin is amazing, but I recently started getting an unexpected error telling me to check the log. Not sure if someone else has been experiencing this, but I'm getting "Failed in getOrientedBodyFailed" and "Failed in ExportCommandExecuteHandlerFailed" from the log. Not exactly sure what these mean, but before I was able to export out bodies and now I can only export out sketches to SVG.
I had some issues creating SVGs for the Shaper Origin in the beginning. Being a CAD guy, I'm not familiar with Illustrator et al.
Now it's super easy to create a sketch in Fusion 360 and importing it to SVG. Just tick "Advanced" and use "Entire Sketch". With the new version it's even easier to export text to SVG.
This made the process of getting designs onto the Shaper Origin almost completely effortless, without fumbling with export settings, or post processing in another tool.
Plugin works amazing. The only problem is its absence every time I open Fusion.
I have the same issue. I can't find the option in Fusion 360. Did you work out a solution? I don't have any option for exporting to shaper origin.
This is almost ridiculously useful. If you need an SVG, you need this. Kudos to the Shaper folks for making it available.
This little plugin simply outputs a color-coded SVG file. It works great. Written for the Shaper Origin, it eliminates any need to use an are program like Inkscape to get what you need with this device. Also, while written for the SO, this also works great for Glowforge users. The color coding is not specific to the Glowforge but the operation type can quickly be changed in the Glowforges UI.
As the owner of both a GlowForge and SO I find this plugin extremely useful. You can literally load the same SVG into both devices. For example, I laser cut an acrylic sheet to inlay into wood carved with the Shaper Origin. Worked great!
Great plugin to use with Shaper Origin handheld CNC! Nice and simple.