DirectName is an Autodesk® Fusion® add-in for naming features and bodies directly after creation.
After creating a feature (e.g. Extrude) a dialog prompts for names for the feature and any created bodies.
This add-in is free, but if you like it, you can buy me a coffee (Ko-fi link). ❤️ ☕
The add-in is licensed under the MIT license.
Informationen zu dieser Version
Version 1.4.2, 28.11.2024
* Fix error on Mac when naming dialog was opened. #14
I've been looking for an easy solution for naming bodies for OBJ exports (only body names are exported), Since I normally don't name bodies directly but always name my components, this extension is really helpful for new projects.
Having used it now for a while, maybe a suggestion would be when you have the dialog where you are asked to name both the sketch and the body, perhaps a copy button copy to all or similar? For me it would be a great help. When asked for sketch, body and component it's not necessary to copy the same name to the component as for me that is usually much different to the other two.
Thanks again.
Great add-in, but when working with Sheet Metal Flat Patterns I get constant errors. See here -> https://imgur.com/a/LdqbtyE
These errors pop up constantly while in the flat pattern workspace.
Fixed in version 1.3.1.
Great tool for renaming the construction process.
I have a suggestion, is it possible that entered names are saved and they can be scrolled through with the up, down cursor keys? This way already used names can be reused or simply modified. E.g. distributor housing part LEFT --> distributor housing part RIGHT.
Thanks HH
Hi, this could be solvable using another kind of input box (BrowserCommandInput), but then focusing it using tab (and soon automatically on Windows: https://github.com/thomasa88/DirectName/issues/13 ) will no longer be possible :/
Hi, this might be possible with another key of input or dialog box, but then pressing Tab will not focus the dialog anymore. :/ (And it will stop the upcoming feature of the first textbox being auto-focused on Windows. https://github.com/thomasa88/DirectName/issues/13 )
Would it be possibly to have the option to only ask for the name of sketches? I find I don't need to rename evey feature as that's usually more self explanatory based on it's position in the timeline. As I usually do about ten features for every sketch that's a lot of pressing escape to dismiss the prompt! I would be extremely grateful if you could integrate this feature. Maybe an "Enable DirectName Sketches" "Enable DirectName All" and "Disable Direct Name" in the drop down menu would be sufficient?
That sounds like a good idea, which is not too hard to implement. I have created an "Issue" for it in Github: https://github.com/thomasa88/DirectName/issues/6 My suggestion is to have multiple checkboxes, to select what features to name. Unfortunately, I'm often quite busy with other stuff, but I have added it to my backlog.
I have now uploaded a beta version to the Github webpage. You can find it here: https://github.com/thomasa88/DirectName/releases/tag/v1.3.0-beta.1 To try it, first uninstall the version installed from the app store, then follow the instructions in the readme: https://github.com/thomasa88/DirectName/blob/v1.3.0/README.md
Thanks so much Thomas. Absolute game changer! Thanks for listening! Kind Regards Jason
It would be neat if you could implement the option of Automatically renaming Component when pressing "New Component" while extruding.
I'm really ocd about namign stuff, been doing it for years in Rhino and it's really helpful when revisitng a project months down the line. This essentially makes it a LOT easier to do so, and elminates a lot of clicks in the UI to manually rename stuff on creation.
What a joy to problem solve a design problem when your features have been named from the start! This add-in makes Rule #2 possible.
Thanks, Thomas
Cool idea, tested them, but it's really annoying to need to push ESC every time after creating everithing if you don't nessecerly want to name ALL things like basic extrusions and others
Thanks for trying it out! Yep, it is not for everyone. One note: Many mouse actions and shortcut keys "push through" the dialog, making it disappear without having to close it yourself. This is not true for all actions though.
Thomas has updated this so you can have it only pop up for Sketches or your own choice of actions. Check it out!. J