Object resizer
Object resizer plugin can be used to resize an object using dimensional values instead of scale factors.
To resize an object, click on the "object resizer" icon in the MODIFY panel in the SOLID tab of the DESIGN workspace, and then select the object to be modified. Set the value of one of them and the other values will change automatically. In the "Preview" window, you can see the output values of the x,y, and z dimensions.
The nearest vertices will be selected automatically for solids and faces. For the mesh body, the point of origin will be selected by default.
After pressing the Help button, a palette will be displayed with a description of the application and information about the author.
Can you please add these two features:
- freeform scaling (sometimes its needed to scale 1 or 2 axis rather than all).
- multi body selection to scale at the same time.
the addon is useful, due to fusion 360 does not have the scale option, it would make it super if you added the features i mentioned.
Best of luck...thanks
Yes please add these features. Freeform scaling much needed
freeform scaling - Lets hope this is available, to me its just another scale tool. I Like the concept.
+1; this is a very useful tool, but being able to scale only on XY and Z together makes me keeping to resort to other routes. Would be a very nice fix to be able to just type the dimensions per axis.
After downloading and installing it as a Mac-only (.pkg), I turned on Fusion 360, but this add-on icon is not added. I turned on Fusion several times, reinstalled this add-on, turned it off and turned on the computer, but it doesn't work. What should I do?
I just want to set the dimension of x, y, or z to 1.5 or something. not have y or z become 1.49 when it should be 2.
I would like to see this option as well.
Every time I start Fusion it says "The Object Resizer add-in has added a new command to the MODIFY panel in the SOLID tab of the DESIGN workspace." And I have to constantly confirm awareness. This feature is a little annoying. And another question-wish - is'nt it possible to make the possibility of scaling from the center of mass?
I will incorporate these comments in the next update.
I have the same thing happen to me!
If you go to "C:\Users\"Username"\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\Object-resizer.bundle\Contents\commands\ObjectResizer" and open the "entry.py" in a text editor and put a "#" before line 37 that says "ui.messageBox("The Object Resizer add-in has added a new command to the MODIFY panel in the SOLID tab of the DESIGN workspace.")" then it should fix the startup issue till he updates it.
Thanks to Joshua Clark for the trick to fix it, as i don't see this being updated anytime soon, as last update is still 2022, despite the response below from may 23 lol, i still wonder why this is enabled by default, since Fusion does not continue loading until it is clicked..
When I select 'Object Resizer' from the Modify menu, no menu pops up for some reason? Tried a couple of things, including removing/reinstalling but no luck. It could potentially be due to my outdated Windows version?
Please contact me by e-mail.
Nice app
it's something i was looking for
Works as per description
Wondering if this is going to be availabe for mac
Please be patient. The mac version will be available soon.