System operacyjny:


Dowel Joint add-in creates a dowel joint between two boards. This add-in allows you to specify the dimensions and location of the joint. It is particularly useful in woodworking.

Opis wersji testowej

Dowel Joint trial is limited to preview. You can buy a license at

Informacje na temat tej wersji

Wersja 1.0.7, 25.07.2023
Added support for the new API.

Zrzuty ekranu i nagrania wideo

Dowel joint.

Recenzje klientów

2 recenzje
Pomoc techniczna
  • Super
    Tomas Jankauskas | marca 12, 2021 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    Make with Minifix

    Maciej Rogowski (Wydawca) | marca 16, 2021

    If you would like to add holes for Minifix connectors, hinges, and drawers you can use Hinge Holes add-in:

  • Fantastic!
    Vaino Komulainen | kwietnia 24, 2019 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    Works like a charm, helps you a lot with dowels! Using every day in cabinet business for now.

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