Custom Screw Creator

Custom Screw Creator



You can define your customized screw with the following Parameters:

Screw Name: Name of the Body

Head Diameter: Diameter of the cylinder head

Body Diameter: Diameter of the body shaft

Head Height: Height of the cylinder head

Body Length: length of the body shaft

Hexagon Diameter: Diameter of the inner Circle of the hexagonal polygon

Hexagon Height: Height to cut the hexagon from the cylinder head

Fillet Radius: Radius of all fillets

Thread Length: length of the thread

Chamfer Distance: distance of the 45degree chamfer on the body shaft 

Or select preset values. 


版本 v1.3.1, 2021/10/6
v1.3.1 - Fixes - Works with Fusion 360 Version 2.0.8624 (2020-07-25) v1.0 - initial MacOS version



25 評論
  • Doesn't work
    David Knight | 二月 19, 2025 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    I have run CustomScrews_win64.msi and the option does not appear in the Insert menu. Looking on github I need to change a requirements.txt file and run a python command. However my AddIns folder is empty with no requirements.txt file.

    Maybe the installer doesn't work.

  • Cut operation bug
    Hyeeun Lee | 七月 28, 2024 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    It's decent for small projects. However, the cut operation to make the screw head cuts all bodies, not only the screw, so it makes hex nut shaped holes on other components. It also takes a few seconds to load all the pre-sets, a lot of which are not needed. 

  • brill just need some tweaks
    Amatris1996 Amatris1996 | 六月 05, 2024 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    this is really good, but how do i make it "molded"? and also how do i change the pitch?

  • trotzdem Danke
    Denis Schönberger | 六月 02, 2024 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    Bei der Freeversion vom 2024 Fusion360 weisen alle Tutorials zur Schrauben erstellung auf aktionen die kostenplfichtig sind, ohne die die Schraube kein Gewinde hat.

    Danke dass dies Addon for free ist.

    Mir gefällt nicht (oder ich bin zu doof)

    - die Auswahl der Schraubengröße ist unübersichtlich

    - die Ausgewählte Schraube wird in den Einstellungen niht angezeigt

    - nach Fertigstellung der Schraube muss das Gewinde mit einigen Klicks erst modeliert werde (nicht intuitiv / Anleitung nötig)

    - abschließend muss oben bei jeder Schraube noch ein Überstand entfernt werden.

    Für jemand der mal eben eine Schraube 3D drucken möchte ist das ohne Tutorials nicht möglich.

    Trotzdem 3 Sterne, weil ich nicht weiß woran es liegt und auch nix besser gefunden habe. (außer Freecad > umsonst > einfach > funktioniert)


  • nice,but would be better with more features
    茂名 潘 | 十月 12, 2021

    nice,but would be better with more features

  • Missing manual thread adjustment
    Rohan Khan | 十月 08, 2021 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    Great for creating a screw, but cannot adjust thread manually.

    No TPI adjustment options.

  • does not add value to 360
    Art Lieberman | 二月 13, 2021 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    It's easy enough to create a bolt by creating a cylinder and then apply a thread to it.

    What I really want is to be able to declare threads-per-inch.

  • Need more customization options
    Ethan C | 十月 13, 2020 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    Would it be possible to add options to customize the screw (ie. pitch, thread angle, minor diameter)? Currently it seems we can only set the screw's height, width and the size of the head.

    Thank you!

  • Looks good but won't open in Fusion 360?
    Samuel Husband | 六月 26, 2020 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    I have downloaded it but it won't load when i select it in Fusion 360? 

    Art Lieberman | 二月 13, 2021

    (1) exit from Fusion 360 (2) install the .msi file that you downloaded (double-click it) (3) start Fusion 360 (4) type the letter "S", which brings up the shortcut menu (5) type "create screw"

  • Unable to start plug-in
    Michael Smolek | 六月 02, 2020 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    It is listed in the Plug-Ins drop-down menu, but nothing happens when the run button is enabled. Also, there is no start button listed under the Insert or Create menus. Enabling run at startup seems to do nothing.

    Sascha B. | 六月 11, 2020

    same here, I am installing the Plug, find it and press run. But nothing happen

  • I have installed successfully, but can not run
    肖 军 | 五月 26, 2020 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    I am using the education version, is it missing the relevant documents?

  • still cant define a size of thread
    Paul Elliott | 一月 24, 2020 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    hi am i missing something as looking at the plugin you can still only pick a define thread from the section IE 10mm 4mm 6mm i need to make a thread that is 19mm so being able to put that value in or select it would help more thanks 

    David Segal | 二月 01, 2021

    Hello Paul, did you ever solve this? I need 19mm too. I wonder why it is not a standard thread in Fusion, when most switches I find on the market are 16mm or 19mm? Thank you

  • Does not run...
    Dany Syrbu | 一月 24, 2020 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    Hi, I read that the plugin has beed updated, but, I still can't run it.

    There is updated version here, but it still does not run, could u help me?

  • Plug-In not working
    Mathias Kern | 一月 23, 2020 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    Tried to download it but it is not working.
    Would be great to design your own threads.
    The "Spiral" mode is not helpfull to make exact threads.

  • Addon will not run after 2019 September update
    Mathias Kern | 一月 23, 2020

    Same here. Would be nice to use it but it looks like it is not. @Support Any help?

    Fabian Schurig (發佈者) | 一月 23, 2020

    Hello Aaron and Mathias Thanks for the review. I did an update and it was already sent in for submission on 05-01-2020. Currently the status is pending and I am waiting for Autodesk to finally publish it. Since this process seems to be outsourced to India on the Autodesk end it is a tedious process. You can get the latest version on GitHub Thanks in advance! Best Fabian

  • Sehr hilfreich
    Sebastian Sichelschmidt | 十月 20, 2019 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Nice
    Eva Vedel | 八月 08, 2019 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    Thank you !

  • Gracias
    Neaitinse Neaitinse | 三月 09, 2019 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    :D Muchas gracias.

  • Kruto!
    Artem Pylaev | 一月 24, 2019

    Please, make it for macos

  • nice,but would be better with more features
    Jones | 七月 22, 2018 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    I would like to sugest adding in American Standard thread sizes.  it would also be nice to chane the cap to philips head. and an option to model the threads on the compnent.

  • Thanks
    Sergey Bob | 七月 22, 2018

    Great creator ! Thanks !!!

  • nice
    Zoltán Tolmács | 一月 31, 2018 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    Good job! Is there any way to delete the center screw before the others are created? If I have material in the center, it cuts the first screw into my design.

    Fabian Schurig (發佈者) | 八月 01, 2018

    Thanks for your comment! First screw now gets hidden.

  • Perfect
    Christophe Pochari | 十一月 24, 2017 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    Great plug in

  • Hilfreiche App
    André Pereira | 十一月 10, 2016 驗證下載 (這是什麼?)

    Die App ist einfach strukturiert und kann leicht bedient werden. Achtung: keine Parameter per maus ändern, da sonst massenweise Fehlermeldung kommen!

    Fabian Schurig (發佈者) | 八月 01, 2018

    Vielen Dank für den Hinweis. Mit dem neuen Update sollten fast alle Fehler behoben sein.
