cSys Quick Properties 2025
Operační systém:


Quick Properties is a specific window where you can see and edit active document iProperties or selected components' iProperties.

Note! This app is for Inventor version 2025.

If the selected component is "read-only" or is a library component the dialog will only show the iProperties without the possibility to modification.


See detailed information here: Quick Properties – MekSystems

Informace o této verzi

Verze 29.0, 20.05.2024
Works with Inventor 2025.

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Hodnocení zákazníků

1 hodnocení
Získat technickou pomoc
  • A Promising but Pricey Add-in with Room for Improvement
    CHRIS DABEK | srpna 08, 2024 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    Edit: I found out this plugin is causing constant crashes in inventor, do not purchase.
    I recently purchased cSys Quick Properties 2025 for a premium price (only because Property Editor by BAS was never updated to 2025), expecting a comprehensive and streamlined solution for managing properties in Autodesk Inventor. While it does offer some convenient features, I was disappointed to find that it falls short in a few key areas, making it difficult to justify the higher addin cost.
    One major omission is the ability to save settings as an external file (e.g., .txt or .json). This would be a huge time-saver, allowing me to easily import and export configurations between projects. As it stands, I have to manually recreate my settings each time, which is frustrating and inefficient.
    Another feature that would greatly enhance the user experience is auto-completion or a suggestion list when adding property names. This would help me quickly find the properties I need, rather than having to type them out in full or search through lengthy lists.
    Lastly, I'd like to see the Options button relocated to the ribbon, rather than its current position next to the Save button. I've accidentally clicked Options one too many times, only to be taken away from my work. A more intuitive placement would help prevent these mistakes.
    Despite these shortcomings, cSys Quick Properties 2025 does show promise. With some refinements to address these issues, I believe it could become a truly valuable tool for Inventor users. Until then, I'd caution others to carefully weigh the cost against the current feature set.
    I would also like to add this is an unsigned addin which Inventor will block before you can use it.
    Recommendations for the developer:
    • Add the ability to save settings as an external file (e.g., .txt or .json)
    • Implement auto-completion or suggestion lists for property names
    • Relocate the Options button to the ribbon for improved usability
    To potential buyers:
    If you're considering cSys Quick Properties 2025, be aware of these limitations and weigh them against your specific needs. While it may still offer some benefits, the high price may not be justified for everyone.


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