Publish Tool

Digitally signed app
Operační systém:
Publish Tool generates the DXF files that cutting machines like!
- Generate DXF, DWG, and STEP.
- Configure the layers for cut and etch lines.
- Configure the file names and store the files in different folders of material and thickness.
- Add the part number and other info as text on the DXF
- Add bend information as text near the bendlines on the DXF.
- Add the dimensions of the flat pattern to an iProperty field on each save or do this in a batch run for all parts in the assembly.
- Generate automatically the drawings of the selected sheet metal parts.
- Change unfold rules in 1 click.
- Export parts list as CSV or as Excel.
- Generate the PDFs of the drawings and your package for cutting and bending is ready!
Visit https://matprop.com/ to buy a license and get access to all functionality to process your files.
WARNING: we have discontinued the perpetual licenses.
from January 1, 2025 we will stop issuing new license keys for existing users of this version of the Pubish Tool.
Popis zkušební verze
30 days trial!
After the trial period the tools keeps working in lite mode.
Export flat patterns to DXF keeps working.
Informace o této verzi
Verze 7.2.2024, 04.11.2024
● Inventor 2025 support
● Trim bend lines in DXF
● Support multiple export configurations
● Improved licensing model
● Reported bugs resolved
Hi Wim, are you receiving any email to:
We have purchased a licence for 195 Euro from Longveld New Zealand,
unfortunately for every time we want to freshly install inventor on a new replaced laptop, we need to email you and request to send us a new activation code ?!! and you dont reply !! I trided message you on your website but its Captcha setting despite entering a corect number not letting us to email you on your website too,
pls reply to your emails and sort out the trial issue for our purchased licence,
we liked the plug-in and paid for it but everytime waiting for your reply for a fresh inventor installs is frustrating and hope you take care of clients and sort out the issue urgently pls.
Thanks Amir
Dear Amir, I understand that it is annoying that you sometimes have to wait some time for a new activation. That is why every new installation has a 30-day trial so that you can request a new activation within that time. I have never had any complaints about this in the past 15 years. You have now received the new activation key. The new website matprop.com will be active from August 2024, where a lot of information about the tools can be found. The contact form also works well. We also offer a new licensing model and are working on new tools. Updates and support will then be guaranteed and you can also manage licenses yourself via the web portal.
Wim, I wanted to draw your attention to a possible bug related to stetings import/export.
MatPropSettings doesn't pass the variables required to edit the "File Name Settings." We have to change the files name settings manually as the naming scheme is not exported.
Your publishing tool is solid, but I thought I'd report the bug here to see if others are facing the same issue.
Moe, We also have this issue when updating to 2024 version. We cannot import settings from 2023 version.
Dear Moe, File Name settings and Layer configuration is stored in .../Design Data/Matprop/Layers.xml. These settings are therefore not included with the import/export button. In the next release you can manage different configurations and choose a different one per project.
Dear Wim, thank you for the clarification, I look forward to the next release.
Verry helpfull.
Hi Wim
When should we expect the 2024 release ??
Ótimo aplicativo... Uma pena que o custo da versão completa foge do bolso dos brasileiros, mas mesmo assim a versão gratuita me atende perfeitamente... Gostaria muito de ter a versão paga, mas sendo um free lancer, para mim fica inviavel o valor.
How can we export such that there are bend lines while exporting?
Also when i create excel list, it doesnt add all the properties on seperate cell.
Waiting for the 2023 version please
The 2023 version will be available in a couple of weeks. Please send us a private mail if you need it earlier.
Hi Wim Any updates on the 2023 version for download ??
Funktioniert sehr gut, ist übersichtlich und macht was es soll.!
gibt es auch das Tool für Inventor 2023?
It works amazingly, flawlesly! It exports flat patterns of an entire assembly with a single click, which we then use for our CNC plasma cutting machine.
I made the mistake of upgrading to Inventor 2022 before seeing Publish Tool isn't compatible with it and missed it for more than a month, which was terrible. Next time I'll wait to upgrade Inventor, because this tool is that useful to me. I wish Matprop had updated it sooner.
Highly recommend the add-on!
great tool, but i need version for 2022 please!!!
This tool works great, eagerly awaiting for the version compatible with Inventor 2022!
But when can we expect to see a version for Inventor 2022 ?
I would love that update right about now.
Up! It's a wonderful product, but so wish apps would not have issues with every new Inventor release! (Not sure if this is Inventor or particular app issues).
Strong in need for 2022.
We're waiting urgent update! Please update your app before publishing new version of Inventor.
We use MatProp now for many Years. Very fast and reliable tool.
We export like 10'000, more or less sheetmetalparts a year and sen them to our CAM Systen. Without MatProp we would never be able to manage to work off this amount of data.
Nice would be a sizeable window to see more columns and rows...
Otherwise one of the best AddIns iknow. Thank you.
I used the trial version for quite a while - nice tool, saving time and added accuracy.
On Aug 8 (two weeks ago) I paid for the full version, but received NOTHING!!!
I am trying to connect to the http://peppingmd.nl">http://peppingmd.nl site for help - I keep getting this:
An error occurred.
Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable.
Please try again later.
I sent a message to info@peppingmd.nl" target="_blank">info@peppingmd.nl - NO RESPONSE (yet?)
I installed the tool , bought license and it all worked great until i had to change computers and reinstall it again.
on re-installtion i found that a new serial number was created that required new activation key.
i have been trying to contact Matrprop for about two weeks now but no reply.
Has anyone heard from them? Can autodesk help in this regards?
Dear Saurabh Soni, Thanks for your message. I have received your mail but problem is that my reply is sometimes blocked at the customer side. Normally we will answer within 24 hours. For the near future we will improve our contact options on the website. After changing your pc you have again the 30 days trial period. In that time send us your old and new serial and we will provide you with a new key.
The software works like a charm! Lot of possibilities you can set up.
One thing we would like to add is more options to PDF file naming. We want de PDFs to be exported with the part number only, now you can set this as an extra iProperty. This will add the part number after the filename.
Thank you!
Dear GTE, Thanks for the great review! Please contact us if you need some customizing to the tool. We would like to discuss with you what is possible.
DXF file naming not working properly for assembly, it only works well for parts
any solution??
Hi Ahmed, this is a limitation of the free version.
Working with large projects is a tiring without this plugin. It's simple and easey to use. Technical support is also at a high level. Despite technical problems, I was professionally instructed how to check what is wrong with my Inventor. I recommend honestly and rate this plugin for 5 stars.
Thanks! Great tool!
Hello Duane, the version for Inventor 2020 is available for download now.
A must have for anyone who uses sheet metal, exports dxf's, and works with laser cutter/etcher. Best $230 I've ever spent!
When you purchase the license the publisher will email you a activation key.
This app is also great, lots of time ill win with this great app, is fast, works great and ill use this now for three years. Never problems and also top service of Wim!
This is a great add-in, i've been using it for some time and i'm going to try to get my employer to buy the full version. Only problem i have right now is:
When i try to export 2 dxf files of which there are no flat pattern, it creates a flat pattern and exports the first file. but at the second file it does create a flat pattern, but i get an error, it says: file not copied file is read only or in use.
For extra context, i use inventor 2019.1, with vault prof 2019.
Is there maybe an option to trigger all the files to make the flat pattern?
Hello Yasin, probably the second part will get the same file name as the first one. In the settings menu you can configure the file name differently so that no conflict arises.
Hi, when exporting to DWG, after opening the AutoCAD, the dimensions are displayed on a very small scale.
How can I set up a template for output in your program or specify which of my templates to use.
Thank you.
Hello Lagutkin, using a template for export flat patterns in DWG is not available. The best way is export in DXF and use the 'TEXT on DXF' option.
Für mich absolut unersätzlich um die Zuschnittdateien großer Baugrupper zu generieren.
Gives a good overview of the sheetmetal parts in an assembly. And its easy to export DXF and PDF. I would be nice to have a list with the differences of trial and full-version. I think i cant export the bendlines in dxf anymore because of the version.
An excellent addition! I wish you every success in your development!
It works really good, but is there any way to include the unconsummed_sketches when saving to DXF, I usually place marking lines for laser and they are placed automatically under unconsummed_sketches, this tool saves dxf but without them. Any feedback will be appreciated. Thanks
Export of unconsumed_sketches is not supported in the Lite version. You have to buy a license.
very smart functions for sheet metal users. really easy use!!!!
The best free DWG/DXF flat pattern exporter i have found, works great
Hi, I just downloaded the trial software and quickly found it was what I am looking for ! just put any proper name for your software anything related to "flat pattern" "sheet metal" and "dxf" to find it more quickly by search engines ! defently autodesk must buy it from you for next versions of inventor because its a complete package and inventor users need it of course, also change your free sign to trial version. cheers
This is an excellent tool. I've been using it for some time and saves so much time - thank you!
It is an awesome tool for inventor
This app is perfect for my job. Very Useful and powerful. THANKS!
The new csv configuration is a welcome addition. In my opinion the configuration should be part of the settings instead of popping up every time I export a csv.
This app works great on all sizes of assemblies as well as single parts. Over the last 4 months we used the Publish tool app on about 2000 different Parts and the program is stable and works seamlessly. The capability to place each part in the correct Material and Thickness folder as .dxf file is a huge PLUS for this App. Lots of other great features. It works on Inventor Professional 2015 . Thanks for this Tool!
Hi Matt! I was reading your review for this mat prop application, meanwhile i started a topic in autodesk discussion comunity about exporting parts (flat patterns) from model to folders based on parts material and thickness! I've downloaded matprop add in for inventor, and can not find that specific capability. Can you tell me does it depends on pro and trial version or I just couldnt find it! Thx in advance!
Open MatProp Publish Tool Pro and Click Help >> Settings. In the "DXF" Tab you will find a check box(Create folder structure). If it's grayed out, you will need to buy the Full Version.
How much time I could save if only I had earlier had this tool. Perfect work.
看样子蛮不错的 试试。。。顶
For all sheetmetal users. This tool is a must have. We make industrial kitchen equipement in Inventor. For or production we send the dxf files to a laser company. We had great comment about the way we send the file to the company using the Publish Tool. hundreds of dxf's where send and that took some seconds. Wonderfull Tool Thanks
This is really a great tool. Especially the configuration of the filename and extensions. I´m very sad that it is useless at the moment for Inventor 2014 :( If it gets possible to open Inventor 2014 I will definitely upgrade to the Pro version.
Very helpful to my work and thank you so much for this!
I am using this Add in for a long time and I feel this Add in is wonderful ! The Add in can easily unfold the ipt model to dxf . dwg with one click only.It is loved that the dwg file is named by this Add in with the thinkness and quantity and others of the sheetmetal metal, It save my time .Formerly I unfolded the ipt model to dwg one by one.and then I must insert the dwg name as the ipt model name .And I opened the dwg file to explode the closed line.So this Add in save my time.