CADsys-Show referenced models of an assembly

CADsys-Show referenced models of an assembly

Digitally signed app

Versión de prueba gratuita de 30 días de duración, A


The app serves a fast overview of your Inventor assembly structure. All referenced models of the current assembly are hierarchically displayed in a graphical representation.



Different layouts can be selected

Zoom function

Moving individual graphics blocks possible

Additional information are displayed by the tooltip

  • Filename: file path, date and name of creation and last modification
  • Arrows: how often is this model referenced
  • Inventor symbol: Inventor thumbnail for the referenced model



  • Overview
  • Tooltip allows for quick access to values of iProperties



For 30 days after installation the app is available in trial mode.

Acerca de esta versión

Versión 3.0, 17/08/2022
Supports Autodesk® Inventor® 2020.

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