This application lets the user apply a random color appearance from a predefined palette of contrasting colors to each part in an Assembly document and applyies these colors in a newly created Design View Representation.
Each color in the custom palette is intended to be visually different from the others and provides clarity to identify individual components. For each Part component occurrence in one assembly document a different color will be assigned randomly from the predefined palette of appearances added as custom appearances assets in the Assembly Document.
When projecting the screen, in presentations or screenshots this AddIn will help to enhance the visibility of individual parts, by increasing the contrast between them, even on cross-sections.
Users can also spot immediately if visually similar parts are the same because they will have the same color.
Hello Michael, your app is verry good.
Could you add Inventor 2024 installation for your app? Thanks.
I tried to install it and it would do nothing. I then ran the windows "Troubleshoot Compatibility". It then installed OK and it works in Inventor 2020. Thanks.
Please for version 2023.
Probably not a supported option, but this works in Inventor 2024. ...Edit "ReColor.Inventor.addin" to be like this.... SupportedSoftwareVersionLessThan>30
amazing app that helps a lot and make sure you see diffrence in your model, top work
Can inventor 2023 be used?
I use this all the time, very helpful tool with a simple workflow
It would be nice if there was an undo feature. There might be times it would be desirable to go back to the default colors.
Hello Steve, you can use the Undo button as well the ctrl+z key combination. Moreover, the AddIn just create an additional View Representation called ReColor, you can expand in the model browser Representations>Views and switch to the default view representation back and forth any time.
Thank you, I spoke prematurely. I did see that it makes a view representation. It will be very useful for my needs.
Very good to present a project clearly and with just one click. Time saver!
It is easy to use. We also have the chance to change the colors by choosing the part. Perfect for the first version ... Thank you very much. 👍
Highly recommend adding this macro. One less thing to think about when designing.