Quick Line Edit Tools

Quick Line Edit Tools

System operacyjny:


Quick Line Edit tools allow you to edit drawing lines quickly in your Autodesk® Inventor® drawings.


Often when changing the properties of lines in a drawing it is necessary to click on each line individually then right-click and navigate to properties. Selecting entire views or drag box selections sometimes results in the "properties" being unavailable to select.


Quick Line Edit tools allow you to drag-select multiple lines and change properties with a single click of the button.

Informacje na temat tej wersji

Wersja, 18.02.2021
Initial release.

Zrzuty ekranu i nagrania wideo

Quick Line Properties

Recenzje klientów

3 recenzje
Pomoc techniczna
  • Awesome Quick Tool
    Kristopher Kaczmarek | listopada 12, 2021 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    Love this on Inv 2020, but can you make it compatable with 2022?

  • Great tool
    ice sid | listopada 17, 2020 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)


  • Nice Little App
    John Hyslop | sierpnia 03, 2019 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    Very Handy & Quick...Great Work

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