Insert automated centerlines

Digitally signed app
30-dniowa wersja testowa, R
System operacyjny:
This app provides the functionality to insert automated centerlines to all views. As an option, it’s possible to insert them to all sheets of a drawing. The centerlines will be created according to the document settings.
- Reduce routine work.
- Increase effectivity.
- Implementation of company policies or manufacturing standards.
Call only one command and all centerlines will be created as predefined in the document settings of the drawing template – sounds good to you? Just try out our app!
You can choose from the following settings at the options-dialog:
- Centerlines will be created by calling the command “Create”. In addition, they will be created by saving the drawing with the Autodesk® Inventor® command “save”.
- The centerlines will be created for all views of the active drawing sheet or all views at all sheets.
- If there are already automated centerlines defined in several views, it is possible to keep them or overwrite them with the document settings.
For 30 days after installation, the app is available in trial mode.
Informacje na temat tej wersji
Wersja 6.0, 28.11.2024
Supports Inventor 2019 - 2023.