System operacyjny:


This app allows you to create flush constraints between the origin planes of multiple components.


All components in your select set will be constrained to the first item in the set.


It is also possible to mate the origins with offsets between either the x/y/z planes, this can be done using the button Mate With Offsets. Here it is also possible to disable one or more of the directions. When activating the command, a toolbar shows. In the toolbar you can toggle the xy, yz and xz planes, and specify offsets.



Constraint icons created by Freepik - Flaticon

Informacje na temat tej wersji

Wersja 1.1, 06.11.2024
Renewed certificate Added multiply offset

Zrzuty ekranu i nagrania wideo

Recenzje klientów

3 recenzje
Pomoc techniczna
  • inventor 2024
    Dadi Darmadhi | sierpnia 12, 2024 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    Is it work in inventor 2024?

    Bas Nederveen (Wydawca) | sierpnia 14, 2024

    Yes it works!

  • Plug-in is not valid
    Thong Le | lipca 18, 2023 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    When i finished installing and add in to inventor 2023. But when opening the feature, a message is showed: "Your license to use this plug-in is not valid. Please check your license at"

    Bas Nederveen (Wydawca) | lipca 18, 2023

    That means you are not using the same email address to login to inventor as to login to the appstore.

  • Simple and Functional
    Larry Marshall | maja 31, 2023 Sprawdzone pobranie (Co to jest?)

    Works as expected.  Seems like a funciton that should be available in the primary software functionality already.  Nice work.

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