Wastewater Extension 2022

Digitally signed app
System operacyjny:
Wastewater Extension 2022 must be used together with Wastewater Extension for Administrator 2022 which is also available in Apps store.
These installers contain the import and export functionality for the Wastewater module.
Supported file formats are: ISYBAU 1996/2001, ISYBAU 2006, ATV-M 143-2, ATV-DVWK-M 150-1, EN-13508-2
The extension also contains the classification functionality for the Wastewater features.
It is not possible to do import of inspection data with embedded DWG (DWT) given that is not possible to have a project with two DWG/DWT files.
The extension does not support SQL Server industry models.
Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).
Informacje na temat tej wersji
Wersja S051.45.3 , 14.07.2022
This extension applies to all language versions of the following products:
AutoCAD Map 3D 2022
Note that the extension is only available in English and German.