Text Translator
Sistema operativo:


Text Translator quickly translates Text from Input language to Output language.

Select text from the drawing first, then use the GTAJS command.

The app will translate the content of a selected Text and then display it in the columns on the Form.
Using Copy and Apply to apply the translated results to the selected text.

Support language: Detect language, EnglishSpanishJapaneseVietnameseChinese, ... and more

App using free Google Translate API request to translate the content. So, Autodesk® AutoCAD® should be connected to the Internet all the time while using the command.

Descrizione della versione di prova

We use free Google API, so please use limited characters for each run. Sometimes, you will be banned for a while. Please kindly wait to be activated by Google.

Informazioni sulla versione

Versione 1.0.25, 31/05/2024
First initial.

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