

Create new layouts with ease using Easy Layouts - the powerful Autodesk® AutoCAD® add-on that lets you do it all right from your model space.


Simply choose the position and rotation of your new layout using your mouse and Easy Layouts takes care of the rest, using a custom template of your choosing to create a new layout on the fly.


Plus, to keep you organized, Easy Layouts automatically adds a frame and name to your new layout right in the model space.


Save time and streamline your workflow with EasyLayouts!


バージョン, 2023/10/27
Initial Release


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  • Exactly what we needed!
    Willi Almesberger | 5月 23, 2023 確認済みダウンロード (これは何ですか?)

    Creating layouts is part of our daily business as a surveying company. This cost us a lot of time.

    We worked together with Infomatik to get an extension created automating this for us, to save time and avoid mistakes.

    We are very happy with the result and are glad the App made it to the Autodesk AppStore.

    Hopefully other users will find it as useful as we do.
