Define Clash Tests
Instead of defining Autodesk® Navisworks® clash tests manually, one by one, this app automatically defines Navisworks clash tests from a Clash Matrix file.
A clash Matrix Excel file should be a part of your company's standards and should be utilized for your projects.
If two test names in the Excel file match the defined Navisworks search set names, it creates a clash test for you. You can define the clash tolerance by editing the value between a column and a row in the Excel template file provided with the app.
Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).
Can i have a trial Version?
Hey, great app.
I'm wondering, is it possible to indicate in a cell that a specific test should not be created? In my clash matrix not all of the elements should be tested with each other.
Hi Emilia, thanks for your interest in our app. You can just leave the tolerance cell blank, the app won't create a test between the horizontal and vertical search sets.
Is 2024 not available i have been using this for 2022 really usefully
Hi Vamsi, thanks for your interest in our app. We will publish it very soon.
How Can I Download EXL Sheet That using in plgin
Hi Ahmed, thanks for your interest in our app. After the installation, you can find it here : C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\CreateClashTests.bundle\Contents\[Version]\Navisworks Clash Matrix\02. Clash Detection Matrix-S2-P02.xlsx
Funciona bien con GuBimClass. Hay que adaptarlo en el Excel pero funciona.
Hi Alberto, glad that you liked our app, thanks for the review.
Is that possible to make a test with two or more sets vs only one?
something like:
Structural Framing & Structural Columns vs Architectural Walls
Thanks for your interest in our App. Not by default, this can be achieved if you create a new single searchset that can select both the framings and the columns.
By this way, I want to ask your help making a refund of the product “Define Clash Tests” due to a bad choice in my account.
After refund I wish to buy again with the correct account.
Thank you
I think you already reached us, and we solved the issue for you, right?
realy thank you for this tool
I need to ask about the clash type (hard - clearance)
is it included in this tool
Thank you for the great feedback. The current update includes this, check it out.
Awesome!. just needs to add auto. create search sets.
Thank you for the great feedback. Currently Navisworks support exporting and importing Search Sets, if there's another approach to make this easier, kindly let us know, and we shall consider it in our next update.
I have been collaborating with VP since 10 years, they have aolution for every thing related to BIM and VDC, they are a quality provider with high level of commitment.
Thank you for the great feedback. If there are any ideas to make this better, just let us know.