Group Clashes

Digitally signed app
This plug-in for Autodesk® Navisworks® Manage will help you to find meaning in the thousands of clashes found in complex models.
Select a clash test, a grouping rule, and start sorting your clashes.
With Group Clashes, you can group clashes by:
- Nearest level
- Nearest grid intersection
- An element belonging to a model
- Status, approval or assignment
- Entire Model
Acerca de esta versión
Versión 1.1.7, 23/05/2023
Update for Navisworks Manage 2024
Can this tool group the clashes by specific Selection Set (Zones/Areas)?
I have emailed you with details.
Please let me know your views ASAP.
Hello Simon, This is very good application and very much useful. We have purchased 8nos licenses on dated 31st August 2021 for the Group Clash application of Navisworks. So is there a way how we can track those licenses in which IDs have been installed? At present our Organization has 300-plus people working and we have no idea to which machine or ID has access to this application. So do you have any idea how we can track this?
Hello. Please contact me on simon@bim42.com to see how I can help you
Hello Simon, I have already sent an email to you but have not yet received your feedback so that is why I sent it here. Thank you!
When is support for 23 coming?
Pretty Please! This is so worth the cost and necessary.
This plugin is 100& worth the $10 and more. it is simple to use but can help group clashes in many ways that help clash review much more efficient.
I use this plugin pretty much weekly on projects.
I want to introduce this plugin to my boss
Just awesome man, keep it up. This app saved many hours and my boss is even surprised that I manage to finish clash reports fast
Hi Guys do you know when you will be updating this for 2021?
THis app is amazinf, so crazy Autodesk don't have this as a standard feature. saves hours.
One thing would be great, the option to group by source file. So that clash test could be run to show all clashes between models. can be useful when dealing with federated models which have hndreds of dwg files. Any chance of an update with this? thanks a mil for the great work!
I'm running group clash on Navisworks 2019 and have found an issue when clashing two models, in that I only select group by 'Gridintersection' under grouping mode and leave the second selection as none. However when it finishes grouping, it groups by grid intersection and level. Also there seems to be clashes that don't get added to particular groups where they share the same grid intersection.
This is a great and simple APP. works really well, it has it moments with Navis and think this is just due to Updates by Autodesk to Navisworks. Will you furhter and continue to develop this APP? for the updates to 2019 and new version 2020. If not I would prefer to know sooner to enable us to find either suitabel replacment or a developer who can create something similar
Thank you again for you time on the App it has saved us alot of time. Please continue your good work
Hi Colin, and thanks for your kind words! I do plan on further developping Group Clashes and I will update the app for each new version of Naviswork. Don't hesitate to ask me if you have feature request! Thanks again Simon
Works great. Only problem I have with the addon is it doesnt stay up to date with the current version of Navisworks. Anyone that has a subscription will have to keep 2019 navisworks installed.
Fantastic app, saves tons of time.
Version 2020?
Great & simple app, saving lots of time manually grouping clashes.
Is there a 2020 version coming?
It's super useful especially when you choose to group clashes from group A to B or depending on the status
saves a lot of BIM coordinators time
is an excellent app, I would like to number the created groups, automatically
This app is great! I've been using it since it was on beta. Would you have the forecast for this release of the 2019 version?
I wish there were some ways to filter down even further, but this is a time saver for sure
This app is not crashing on Navisworks 2018 & it is working perfectly indeed.
This app saves me a ton of time, recommend it for everyone!
I started using this when it was in Beta and it would crash from time to time (like Betas do) but still saved me hours of time. Version 1.0 was very stable on my machine and helped make very clean and consistent clash reports and the improvements made in 1.1.0 make it even more amazing. I would recommend this app to everyone! It will pay for itself in the first 15 minutes of use.
When it works it is a life saver. But about half the time it will crash Navisworks when running the grouper, not ideal. A stable version would be great!
I am sorry to hear that Group Clashes is crashing your Navisworks. Can you send me the NWD models where you have these problems ?