Veronica - Viewpoint by level

Veronica - Viewpoint by level

Digitally signed app



Veronica (Viewpoint by Level) add-in for Autodesk® Navisworks®. It allows users to quickly and easily create viewpoints based on a selected level of an Autodesk® Revit® model.


This tool allows you to select specific levels within a Navisworks model and export all viewpoints associated with those levels in one step, streamlining the export process and saving you time and effort.


By using this plugin, you can export multiple viewpoints at once, which can be especially useful when working with large models or complex projects. The ability to export viewpoints by levels can help you organize your work and facilitate collaboration between team members, as you can easily share relevant viewpoints with others.


Overall, Veronica can be a valuable asset for those working with Navisworks, as it provides a quick and efficient way to export and manage viewpoints, enabling you to focus on other important aspects of your project.

Сведения об этой версии

Версия 1.0.20, 31.08.2023
Veronica is currently available for Navisworks 2018 - 2024.

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2 оценки
Техническая поддержка
  • Game-changer for Navisworks users.
    Elara Hawthorne | февраля 01, 2024 Проверенная загрузка (Что это такое?)

    Selecting specific levels and exporting associated viewpoints in one step makes us save time and improve our organization and collaboration.

  • Must-have for any Navisworks user
    Olivia Lennon | февраля 01, 2024 Проверенная загрузка (Что это такое?)

    Exporting multiple viewpoints at once is a breeze, perfect for tackling large projects.
