Properties Panel Enhanced

Digitally signed app
Improved Properties panel allowing additional functionality:
- Stacked category tabs
- Combined Category / Single List
- Favorites
- Multiple selection traversal
- Auto Zoom to selected
- HyperLink support
- Column sorting
- Category sorting
- Find Matching Items
- Create Search
- Add to Existing Search
- Selection Hierarchy quick access
Feedback and bug reports are appreciated.
版本 1.4.0, 2023/4/3
Updated to 2024 version.
Selection Hierarchy quick access
Settings are saved between sessions
Sort Categories now affects Favorites section
Large selection no longer causes delay
Version # shown in settings dropdown
Hyperlinks support for local folders
Favorites is now its own Panel, position as desired
New Right click property menu options:
Find Matching Items
Create Find
Add to Existing Find
Create Search Set
We have tried the app today and see that there is no export and import button. There is also no option (move up/down) to arrange the order of the properties.
Great tool. I'm not sure why Autodesk hasn't natively added this tool to Navisworks yet.
One complaint though which seems to be a bug... When you create a search set or "add to existing search" using the plugin, it disables the "Wildcard" condition is not selectable.
I wander why Autodesk sometimes tries to spoil what was already right. Properties+ was simply perfect. Easy to configure and use. Properties Panel Enhanced is none of that. It's difficult to use, counter-intuitive. Please bring back Properties+ for 2023 and beyond!!!
2023 and 2024 support for properties+ is now available.
When you pick an object there is a delay in the selection if you have installed this plugin. Also, when you quickly pick multiple objects with Ctrl, the delay is more visible. It's very annoying.
Please !! add support for 2019 version
There's no option to export proprties for all selected items. In Properties+ there was an option to configure which properties should be exported. One could also save configuraion as json file which was superbe.
In my opinion both add-ons shoul be available. Properties+ is better for exporting data, Properties Panel Enhanced looks better and displays all properties in one view, which is cool.
I absolutely support this comment. I would suggest the export properties for the selected items be included in the new app. But also to be able to search for parameters only on the selected objects, as in Properties + it takes a long time to generate a list of properties on a large model.
I agree and support this! Export properties and save json or similar template as in Properties+ please!
Agree with this comment 100% could not find an option to export a csv of all my selected items that will include all the metadata I wanted. Properties + coud do this excercise while this new plug in could not
I really agree with this. Missing feature.
Agree and support this comment. Im going bakc to Navis 22 because of this plugin
Export is on our roadmap for this app. You can of course still use Properties+ alongside it in the meantime, 2023/2024 support for which was released recently.
Love it. Only downside is I still need to use the default properties panel to add custom user properties. Also, the button image and title could use a facelift :)
the export fuction only you to take one page at a tim where as the "Properties+" tool i could grag multiple Items and get 1 csv with all the data in it if the export could be made like and also the ability to tselect the fields you want would be great
I came across this app, looking for solution to open hiperlink written in instance parameters (paths to folders/files and websides adresses). I hope this function will be developed in next versions
Thanks for implementing support for links to folders. It will be perfect if I could also add link to documents in same folder as Naviswork model with relative path eg: /Folder1/document.pdf
In Properties+ it was possible to select objects having the same property value. Can this be done in Properties Panel Enhanced?
It now does this. Just right click on a property
Thank you,
It works well.