Content pack for Resistoflex Piping Systems

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This content pack includes corrosion-resistant plastic lined pipe and fittings for Resistoflex from manufacturer CRANE.
Materials and liner types available:
- Cast Steel
- Fab Steel
- Carbon Steel
- Forged Steel
- Ductile Iron
- PP/PVDF/PFA liner
- PTFE liner
Сведения об этой версии
Версия, 27.03.2024
Upgrade to 2022 and later versions
Found some Connection Port Properties are incorrect when dealing with reducing parts. Flange Thicknesses on reducing parts have incorrect thickness which will result in bolt lengths issues on BOM.
Example 1: REDUCER (CONC), 150 LB, RF, ANSI B16.5
- REDUCER (CONC), 3"X2" ND, 150 LB, RF, ANSI B16.5
Size parameters:
B1=.938, B2=.75 - correct
Connection Port Properties:
Port1 (S1) flange thickness: .938 - correct
Port2 (S2) flange thickness: .938 - incorrect should be .75
Example 2: TEE (RED), 150 LB, RF, ANSI B16.5
- TEE (RED), 3" ND, 150 LB, RF, ANSI B16.5
Size parameters:
B41=.938, B42=.938, B43=.75 - correct
Connection Port Properties:
Port1 (S1) flange thickness: .938 - correct
Port2 (S2) flange thickness: .938 - correct
Port3 (S3) flange thickness: .938 - incorrect should be .75
Running isometrics from the model using specs built from this catalog are terrible. Flange representation shows flanges on top of flanges & Fittings. Takes way to much time to clean up iso's.