Express Family Stamp
Operační systém:
The Express Family Stamp utility adds the image of the user's stamp to the preview image of the Autodesk® Revit® file.
When you use the ExpressFamilyStamp utility, it automatically appears, including the user's stamp information in the preview of the user-created Revit project and family file. If another user changes the file, the stamp information will disappear, and you can see the file has been modified.
Informace o této verzi
Verze 1.0.4, 23.10.2024
Revit 2023~2025 version support
The only thing that would be great is a toggle to turn this feature off. I work on client content often and have to remove the settings. A batch tool would also be awesome but that is expecting alot from a free tool.
Any thoughts on when this will be available for 2023
Now with Revit 2024 out it would be great to see this updated.