Operační systém:


Worksets Management is a free plugin for Autodesk® Revit® developed to streamline various worksets related activities. This application contains 7 useful tools to boost daily productivity, and ensure project requirements compliance and data consistency.


1. Create:

  • create all or selected worksets based on the provided list in a text file
  • validate whether worksets listed in the text file are currently in the model


2. Rename:

  • worksets rename based on new name column value


3. Grids/Levels:

  • assign selected grids and/or levels to the selected target workset
  • assign all grids and levels to the default "Shared Levels and Grids" workset


4. Revit/CAD:

  • assign selected linked Revit and/or linked/imported CAD to the selected target workset
  • create and assign a new workset for selected linked Revit and/or linked/imported CAD


5. 3D:

  • create the combined 3D view for selected worksets
  • create a single 3D view for each of the selected worksets


6. Families:

  • assign selected category, family, type or collection of families that belong to a particular workset to the selected target workset


7. Visibility:

  • Turn on/off single/multiple worksets visibility for single/multiple View/View Template
  • Check worksets visibility status for single/multiple View/View Teamplates

Informace o této verzi

Verze 1.3.1, 08.11.2024
- Bug fixed: Incorrect elements count in '3D View' tab fixed - New functionality: '3D View' tab -> 'Export All' button added (exports breakdown of all elements per workset in .txt file)

Snímky obrazovky a videa

Hodnocení zákazníků

10 hodnocení
Získat technickou pomoc
  • Must Have Plug In. Its fantastic
    Maria Tzanetakou | prosince 06, 2024 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    It is VERY usefull & powerful tool

    Jatin Sharma | května 30, 2024 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)


    Mateusz Lukasiewicz (Vydavatel) | července 02, 2024

    Dear Jatin, Thank you for using the Worksets Management plug-in and sharing your feedback. We would like to inform you that the reported error has been fixed. Please download the latest version. For any further queries, please feel free to contact us at apps@keo.com. Thanks and Regards, Mateusz

  • It's a great tool!
    Herbert Overbeck Fonseca | května 16, 2024 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    It is a great tool, saves a lot of time to get an organized workshared model in Revit.

    Mateusz Lukasiewicz (Vydavatel) | července 02, 2024

    Hi Herbert, Thank you for your valuable feedback. Regards, Mateusz

  • Excellent well thought out tool
    Nauman Mysorewala | srpna 31, 2023

    The software is awesome. Quickly allows to check workset inconsistencies and fix them immediately. Craete 3D views is great too.

    Mateusz Lukasiewicz (Vydavatel) | července 02, 2024

    Dear Nauman, Thank you for your feedback. Regards, Mateusz

  • Thank you very much!
    Coty Corriea | srpna 23, 2022 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    I was going to make a macro or a dynamo script to do just part of what your addon does. Thank you for saving me the time!

    Mateusz Lukasiewicz (Vydavatel) | července 02, 2024

    Dear Coty, Thank you for your feedback. Regards, Mateusz

  • Great Tool!
    Tim R | června 27, 2022 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    Great toolm but sometimes it throws an error: "Length cannot be less than zero." Parameter: length

    Dave Vaughn | května 18, 2023

    I am getting that very same error. Could the vendor please advise on how to solve this?

    Mitch Buckley | září 13, 2023

    Same.. Please help

    Mateusz Lukasiewicz (Vydavatel) | července 02, 2024

    Dear Tim, Dave and Mitch, Thank you for using the Worksets Management plug-in and sharing your feedback. We would like to inform you that the reported error has been fixed. Please download the latest version. For any further queries, please feel free to contact us at apps@keo.com. Thanks and Regards, Mateusz

  • Grate Tool
    Binesh Chandra | června 06, 2022 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    its realy  amizing 

    Mateusz Lukasiewicz (Vydavatel) | července 02, 2024

    Dear Binesh, Thank you for your feedback. Regards, Mateusz

  • Must have Plugin!
    Sharanu Motgi | června 01, 2022

    Very helpful and powerful tool!

  • Efficient Model Management
    Ahmad El-Mani | května 26, 2022

    Very powerful tool with custom features to manage model worksets & content 

  • Fantastic tool! Keep it up!
    Tiago Caldeira | května 26, 2022 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    Good tool with great features!

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