Create (Pipes, Ducts, Conduits and Trays) from CAD
M, R, Bezplatná 30denní zkušební verze
Operační systém:
This tool is designed to convert the lines into (Pipes, Ducts, Conduits and Cable Trays) from CAD exploded (2d or 3d) lines or from Autodesk® Revit® lines.
The tool will save a lot of time converting CAD lines or Revit lines to Revit elements (Pipes, Ducts, Conduits and Cable Trays).
The tool will do this task automatically.
Informace o této verzi
Verze 1.2.0, 24.05.2024
Adding the ability to select level.
Me solicita que seleccione la vista de plano de planta para correr la herramienta pero no corre