

Digitally signed app

Operační systém:


With Autodesk® Revit® 2020.2, we were given access to the "Internal Origin" category for viewing. By default, it is turned on in all views when you open a project in the new version. This tool aims to assist you in hiding this category. This is achieved by iterating through ALL views and view templates and setting its visibility to false.

Informace o této verzi

Verze 1.0.0, 13.09.2021
Initial Release for Revit 2020.2

Snímky obrazovky a videa

When the tool is complete.

Hodnocení zákazníků

6 hodnocení
Získat technickou pomoc
  • Best Fix Yet
    JOHN POWELL | září 03, 2020 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    I'm convinced Autodesk intentionally adds agravations into various "upgrades" to encourage people to migrate to the newest and best thing.  Thanks for the fix!

  • Thanks!
    Thorbjörn Hoverberg | února 10, 2020 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    Hiding that origin is such a pain - I was about to code my own application but you saved me the time. Excellent!

  • Recommended all Revit users
    Yuki Sugita | února 01, 2020

    Thank you for prompt action by knowing this update can be irritated to all users who update old projects to 2020.2.
    I shared this app in JPN forum as well. Many of them probably use 2019 or even 2018 and one day, they will notice the inconvenience.

    John Pierson (Vydavatel) | února 06, 2020

    Thanks so much for sharing.

  • A must have for Revit 2020.2 Users
    Daniel Stine | ledna 17, 2020 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    Super helpful tool for anyone using Revit 2020.2 who wants to maintain visual fidelity in Revit 2020 and Revit 2020.1 projects, made possible by the industry experts over at Parallax Team! I also wrote a blog post about why/how this tool works:">

    John Pierson (Vydavatel) | února 06, 2020

    Hey Dan! I really appreciate the review and the plug on your blog. I hope the tool helps everyone out!

  • Awesome
    Jesse Treuden | ledna 13, 2020 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    Awesome  - quick and easy way to update tempalte files!

    John Pierson (Vydavatel) | února 06, 2020

    Awesome. Glad to make updates easier for you!

  • Great Add-in
    Carl Storms | prosince 18, 2019 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    This is the bee's knees! Hopefully, this is updated to native Revit functionality in 2021!

    John Pierson (Vydavatel) | února 06, 2020

    I am awaiting Autodesk's email to absorb the tool as a feature. 😁

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