Megara Parameters Values Manager
Find & Replace or direct set values. Works with Sheets and Views too.
Filter Family types and process edits using filtration mode or drag a selection on items and find common parameters. Both ways you have Find and Replace or Direct Setting functionality for Text, Yes/No and numbers.
1. Works with both Type or Instance Parameters
2. Supports Shared Parameters
3. Supports Sheets & Views Parameters in Filtration Mode
4. Two Modes for Elements Selections:
A) Filtration: Edit all project elements of certain Family Type
Filter Families by choosing category > Family type > Parameter Name
Note: This Mode Lists All Autodesk® Revit® Categories,
This gives you powerful controls like editing sheets which is a view and can’t be selected in Project Drawing Canvas.
If there no loaded of valid family instances in your opened project, it will show No family Instances in the Family Selection Dropbox
B) Select elements:
- Select specific Elements
- Drag a Selection Box then filter by category
5. Two Editing Ways:
A) Find & Replace
B) Directly Set Value
License and Activation Notes:
One Seat:
Use the one-time Serial Activation step to give you the ability to install on 1 PC even if not connected to the internet.
Multiple Seats
For IT departments you can do multi PC installation easily after purchasing multiple copies.
Send an Email to license@megara.co: Include your Purchasing Email and PC IDs and we will send you the number of Serial numbers up to your purchased copies quantity.
Application Uses Serial Activation method and you get 10 Days / 20 Uses with all features enabled till you officially activate your App.
Send your ID to license@megara.co to get your unique Serial Number.
- Find and Replace, and setting values works with (Numbers, Yes/No or Text parameters)
By Logic You Can’t Find and Replace in a Drop-Down Parameter Value Field - Plugin shows Parameters that it can edit only.
- Filtration Mode Lists all Revit Built in Categories, to extend support to all possibilities.
You will get a notification if no families instances are loaded in the project for your chosen category. - This plugin by nature deals with unlimited possibilities reaching to ultimate selections from Autodesk Revit parameters capabilities. If you ever found some parameter that can’t be edited using this plugin and believe it should be according to this plugin capabilities, Send US an email on support@megara.co we are always looking forward to your inputs and glad to help.
- Editable Parameters are Numbers, Yes/No or Text
(And of course not being read only parameters)