BIM BOQ Quantifier
Versión de prueba


This intuitive software allows Autodesk® Revit® users to leverage models to generate accurate Bills of Quantities (BOQs).  It was developed by highly-experienced quantity surveyors who worked on large building and infrastructure projects. With a few clicks, the user can easily link objects to specifications as well as built powerful formulas and rules. The software can be configured to meet the requirements of various International Quantification Standards such as ICMS, CIQS, SMM7, NRM, POMI. The generated BOQ’s can easily be exported to any database or excel file.


Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer). 

Descripción de la versión de prueba

During the installation, the user can activate a free trial license for 30 days.

At the end of the trial period, the user can purchase a software license and activate.

Acerca de esta versión

Versión 1.0.79, 27/09/2019
UI enhancements Ability to import configuration files from csv files. Fixing Bugs.

Capturas de pantalla y vídeos

Generated Report

Reseñas de clientes

9 reseñas
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  • Useful Tool
    Am Dghedy | marzo 13, 2019 Descarga verificada (¿Qué es esto?)

    i recommend this helpful tool for who concerning with quantity take off and quantity control process.



  • Makes Things Easier
    Mazen AH | febrero 13, 2019

    A very nice product which makes things easier 

  • Nice Tool
    Rabie Ab | febrero 13, 2019

    Very Good product and it will assist a lot the QS team in the takeoffs.

  • Great BIM tool
    Minas Lagonikos | febrero 12, 2019 Descarga verificada (¿Qué es esto?)

    Very helpful tool for building the BOQ libraries and generate the Material quantities.

  • Simple and Easy
    Walid Farkouh | febrero 10, 2019

    Great tool and simple to use.

  • Great Revit Add-on !
    Elia Salameh | febrero 08, 2019

    Very handy add-on to set BOQ custom formulas and get accurate results!!

  • BOQs made easy
    Shakib Firzli | febrero 08, 2019 Descarga verificada (¿Qué es esto?)

    A superb tool that makes the BOQ and objects cataloguing process easier in Revit. Easy to use interface too.

  • Accurate & Detailed
    Khaled Elshaer | febrero 08, 2019 Descarga verificada (¿Qué es esto?)

    Nice product

  • Practical and Powerful Add-on
    Amr Sersy | febrero 08, 2019

    Made it easy for us to generate accurate qunatities from models inline with international qunatification standards.  Definitely, a hit!

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