BIMcollab® BCF Manager para Autodesk® Revit®

Digitally signed app
Una plataforma de coordinación BIM integral
Los BCF Managers de BIMcollab son plugins disponibles para la mayoría de las herramientas BIM más populares, como Autodesk® Navisworks®, Autodesk® Revit® y muchas más. Conectados a BIMcollab Nexus, proporcionan una forma eficaz de gestionar incidencias y mejorar los flujos de trabajo BIM.
Con el BCF Manager de Autodesk Revit, las Incidencias se pueden importar, crear y actualizar directamente desde Revit.
Todas las Incidencias contienen puntos de vista que incluyen la posición de la cámara y los objetos implicados. Esto le permite hacer zoom en la ubicación concreta de la incidencia y resaltar los componentes problemáticos. Por otra parte, se añaden a las incidencias metadatos como descripciones de incidencias, estado, comentarios, personas asignadas, responsabilidades, datos de aprobación, etc. Además, BIMcollab Nexus le permite añadir información sobre zonas, hitos y plazos, así como implementar un proceso de aprobación oficial.
Para mejorar aún más los flujos de trabajo, los BCF Managers muestran automáticamente los requisitos IDS de un proyecto para los objetos en los que están trabajando los modeladores, lo que garantiza que el modelo contiene la información requerida, reduciendo el número de incidencias encontradas en fases posteriores del proyecto.
Cuenta Bimcollab gratuita
Con el BCF Manager se incluye una cuenta BIMcollab gratuita. Puede publicar y gestionar incidencias en la nube y compartirlas con otros directamente desde el plug-in para Revit o utilizando la interfaz web.
Nota: Esta aplicación utiliza un instalador personalizado (y no el instalador estándar de la App Store).
Hi, I couldn't install BIMcollab 22-25 for Revit 24. It gave error 'need .NET Core version 8 or higher'. But then I downloaded the BIMcollab package specifically for Revit 24 directly from the website of BIMcollab and this worked. Might help the other users here who have difficulty installing.
Hi Mark, thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will take a look at this. And thank you for your review!
Hi, Just a report for You, the version off revit not corresponding... when i want to install for revit 2023, il need to choise revit 2022 pluggin... the sawe way for 2024, i have to choise 2023 version... sorriy for my bad English...
Hi Vincent, thank you for reporting this. This should be functioning correctly with the latest available installer. If that is not the case or you experience any problem during installation please contact our helpdesk at support@bimcollab.com. Thanks for the review!
It doesn't allow me to run the plugin for revit 2021
see https://helpcenter.bimcollab.com/portal/en/kb/articles/downloads-archive#Revit
It doesn't allow me to run the plugin for revit 2021
Quando esce bimcollab per revit 2024?
Saludos. Recientemente instale el Revit 2024 y no vi que esté disponible esta aplicación para dicha versión ¿Para cuando estará disponible?.
Great for controlling issues. But having to enter the password everytime is very annoying. Would help if it remembered the pw in Revit. Also the fact that the addin has a different password than the website is unnecessary in my opinion.
I cannot specifically choose to download it for Revit 2022 as it only downloads it for 2020 and less or 2023... how can I download it for the current Revit version I have
Hello Hasan, the current installer supports Revit versions 2020 to 2023. During the installation process you will be able to choose to which Revit version you can install it. If that is not the case or you experience any problem during installation please contact our helpdesk at support@bimcollab.com. Thanks for the review!
In the installator the 2022 version does not appears, only appears 2019, 2017 or 2020 but not 2022.
Hello, the installator works with 3years gap. For the 2023 addin, you need to install the 2020 version.
Same problem here, with the installator 2020-2023, it only installed it on Revit 2023 whereas I need it on Revit 2022 and it's not working...
Bonjour, Lors de l'installation de BCF Manager 6.0.12 la version Revit 2021 n'est pas proposé. J'ai essayé avec la version Revit 2020 mais BCF Manager n'est pas visible sur Revit 2021.
Revit 2024 is available now. When will there be the BIMcollab BCF Manager version for this release?
Really great product is there a way we can get for older revit versions also 2017 and 2018?
Hi Eoghan, unfortunately we stopped supporting Revit versions 2017 and 2018 after version 5.3 and 5.4 of our BCF manager, respectively. You can still find and download those old versions in our Downloads archive here: https://helpcenter.bimcollab.com/portal/en/kb/articles/downloads-archive For more info please contact our helpdesk at support@bimcollab.com
Great APP but check the instaler. When you have to select the Revit Version: Revit 2017 corresponds to Revit 2019, Revit 2018 corresponds to Revit 2020....
Hi Cesar, we fixed the installer issues you mentioned already a while ago, so we think you are using an outdated installer. Please download the latest one from our website at www.bimcollab.com. If you still encounter problems or think something else is wrong, please contact our helpdesk at support@bimcollab.com. We are always there to help BIMcollab users. Thanks for your review! BIMcollab Team
Best BCF Tool direct link to the Server.
This app is really helpful for people working within the team and different location. I love to use this app.
Really good product which shows what BCF can do. Includes web based coordination (free use with limits and an account).
Great APP!