

A, M


This application contains 31 useful tools to facilitate work in Autodesk® Revit®. 


Avoid Clashes

This tool is designed to easily detect and highlight the clashes between Revit Elements, helping users to avoid clashes. Saving huge time consumed in clash solving.  


Excel BIM Link

The tool designed to import/export data from and to Excel file.

The tool will save a lot of time by transferring the from Excel and from Revit to Excel. 


Convert Text Case

The tool is designed to modify the text case for the "Text Notes category" in Revit.  


Easy Modelling for Landscape Surfaces

This tool is designed to update the landscape floors to automatically match the Topography Surface automatically.


Define Element ID

This tool will extract all the element IDs from all Revit elements and store it in a shared parameter called "Element_ID" under each element. 


Batch (Hide / Unhide) Links

This tool is designed to Batch (Hide / Unhide) Revit Links. 


Land Planning (Create rooms & Blocks )from lines

The function of this tool is to convert lines to rooms and Convert rooms to blocks.


Upgrade Files

This tool will upgrade previous versions of Revit files to the latest Revit format. The tool can upgrade families, template files, and project files.  


Export Link Path To Excel

This tool is designed to export a Revit link file's path to Excel.   


Compare and fix levels Elevations

This tool is designed to compare the linked file levels with the current project levels.


Copy Worksets From files

This tool is designed to copy worksheets from the file.  


Renumber Elements

This tool is designed to give sequence numbers for Revit elements.  


Door (From Room / To Room)

The tool is designed to automatically copy the room data to doors especially (From Room and To_Room).


Create Worksets from Excel

The tool is designed to create worksets from an Excel list.  


Batch Export NWC

The tool is designed to export Revit models to NWC.

The application will open the Revit files and it will export them to NWC and close the files.  


Batch reload_Links

This tool is designed to reload links in the current project or in a batch of Revit files.  


Batch Purge files locations

This tool is designed to purge unused project locations.   


Files Rename

The tool is designed to rename all file types (.rvt, .dwg,.xls, etc.....) files or any other file types.


Batch Detach Central Models

This tool is designed to batch detach the Revit central models automatically. 


Convert Room to 3D Room

This tool is designed to convert Revit rooms to 3d blocks (contains all room data) which can be colored by a filter. 


Automatic Adding of Paint Material

This tool will add the paint material for the structure elements or in-place elements automatically.  


Extract family names from folder

This tool is designed to automatically extract family names. 


Smart opening for (ARCH, STRUCTURE, MEP)

This tool is designed to create openings in structure or architecture models if it is intersecting (Pipe, Duct, Conduit, Cable Tray) and also enable MEP to create drafting opening for coordination. 


Transfer data from room to all families inside it 

This tool will transfer shared parameters data from space to all the elements inside this space.  


Transfer data from space to all families inside it

This tool will transfer shared parameters data from space to all the elements inside the space. 


Transfer data from room to space

This tool will transfer shared parameter data from room to space.

It works if the rooms are in the same file along with the spaces or if the rooms are in a linked file. 


Create floors from lines

This tool is designed to automatically create the floors from the lines. 


Create rooms in all levels

This tool is designed to automatically create rooms in all project levels.


Automatic creation for ceiling from rooms

This tool will use existing rooms to automatically add a ceiling in Autodesk® Revit®. 


Automatic Spot Coordinates

The tool is designed to place Spot coordinates automatically.



This tool is designed to batch link Revit files



This tool is designed to convert 2d lines to Walls



The tool is designed to join, unjoin and switch the join order of Revit elements



The tool is designed to cut geometry between elements which intersect with Cutting family instance contains void that can be cut.



This tool is designed to rename Worksets in your central file  

Generally Revit users have to manually rename worksets, This tool will enable automtically do this task.

Acerca de esta versión

Versión 1.1.6, 24/05/2024
1.Adding "Automatic creation for ceiling from rooms" tool. 2.Adding "Automatic Spot Coordinates" tool. 3.Updating "Export NWC" tool. 4.Adding "Create finishes for walls/floors from rooms" tool. 5.Update all the apps to work with 2022 version.

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  • BIM_SOFT_Tool_Package
    atta ahmed | octubre 12, 2020 Descarga verificada (¿Qué es esto?)

    An excellent tool to save time and effort and is preferred for building modeling work

  • Great collection of tools
    Andrea Robert | octubre 04, 2020 Descarga verificada (¿Qué es esto?)

    This collection of tools is great,  it is cheap and effective.


  • Awesome
    Rajesh Padinhattya Purayil | septiembre 28, 2020 Descarga verificada (¿Qué es esto?)

    Usefull Tools!

  • useful
    Abdullah gabeen | septiembre 28, 2020 Descarga verificada (¿Qué es esto?)


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