MEP Utilities: Auto Sleeving Tool 2022
Autodesk® Revit® add-in tool that automatically places sleeves at the wall and straight part intersects with walls and floors. Allows fab and Revit parts, and includes a trimble point export.
By improving the process of finding intersection locations and sleeve placement time can be saved scrolling around projects, sleeve parts can be better managed, and the use of trimble exporting will give fast, consistent, and trackable point information for all placed sleeves.
Prerequisite: This program will require MEP CORE 2022 installed to run. This program is available on the Autodesk app store where it is most up to date "https://apps.autodesk.com/RVT/en/Detail/Index?id=7039168314726398819&appLang=en&os=Win64" but is also included in this installer up to the version it requires.
Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).