B's WallAutoOpening 2019(Paid version)

B's WallAutoOpening 2019(Paid version)

Sistema operativo:



This is an add-in software that creates an AutoOpening(*) on the adjacent wall along with the door, window, or wall opening.

This software is effective when the skeleton, base, and finish are entered as "single walls" instead of "composite walls".

*The opening created by this add-in software


Until now, you had to create openings in the groundwork and finish along with the windows and doors you entered in the body.

By using this add-in, you can create multiple openings at once, which can greatly reduce the work time.

Since it also has a function to display a list of created AutoOpening, you can easily check the number of created AutoOpening. 


<About add-in functions>

 1. Create AutoOpening(Single) function

  • Create an automatic opening on the wall adjacent to the selected wall.
  • The wall is selected by the method of "select one arbitrary wall".


2. Create AutoOpening(Lump) function (*Available only in paid version)

  • Creates AutoOpening in the wall adjacent to the selected wall.
  • The selection of walls is done by a method of "selecting all at once using "level" specified on the screen".
  • The object to be processed is the wall whose "Level" specified on the screen and the value of the "Base Constraint" property match.


3. Delete AutoOpening(Lump) function (*Available only in paid version)

  • Delete the created AutoOpening.
  • The selection of the AutoOpening to be deleted is done by the method of "select all at once using the "level" specified on the screen".
  • The processing target is the AutoOpening that matches the value of the "level" specified on the screen and the "level" property of the AutoOpening.


4. Created AutoOpening List function

  • Lists the created AutoOpening.
  • Select an AutoOpening from the list to highlight it in the view.

Informazioni sulla versione

Versione 2019.0.1, 13/09/2021
Ver 2019.0.1 Fixed a bug that caused abnormal termination Ver 2019.0.0 First version

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Before execution -> After execution

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