CADdaddy Tools

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CADdaddy Tools is a free productivity pack that includes a growing array powerful and unique tools. For additional information on each tool visit


Export Families: 

What: Batch Exports selected non-system family to disk.  

Why: Autodesk® Revit® can export all families to files and also individual families to file. But it cannot export a particular selection and it cannot organize them into folders by category.

Features: Can organize categories into separate folders. Select individual families or groups using tree selection.

Demo Video: Export Families Demo


Renumber Items:  

What: Powerful renumbering tool. Renumbers almost anything in the order selected or all at once with a directional sweep. 

Why: Renumbering Revit items is a pain!!!

Features: Suffixes, prefixes, user increments, integer and alpha sequences, case matching, renumbers types, and instances.

Demo Videos: Renumbering by pickingrenumbering by locationduplicate handling


Renumber Doors: 

What: Renumbers all doors in project based on room number

Why: Revit does not include the to Room or From Room number as a parameter that can be included in the door tag. Since many architects like to number doors based on room number this program eases the medium of renumbering the doors manually.

Features: Can change which room to associate. Great formatting features.

Demo Video: Renumber Doors Demo


Hide in Views:

What: The Hide in Views tool can hide or unhide elements or categories from all the views that you select. 

Why: Revit allows you to hide elements/categories in the current view but sometimes you want to hide elements/categories in many (or all) views.

Features: Tree selection allows immediate selection of entire categories, the current view shown bold.

Demo Video: Hide In Views Demo


Associate Parameters: 

What: Quickly and easily associates nested family parameters. When creating complex families this tool gives the user unprecedented control over parameter associations within nested families.

Why: Revit only allows you to associate parameters one type at a time. This is a time-consuming task and error-prone because the user may make the association for the current type but may forget to make the association for all the rest of the types. With the Associate Parameters tool, you can associate all your nested parameters in a single dialog and also see at a glance if any associations are incorrect or missing.

Features: Resizable grid so you can see all family types and their parameter at once. Optionally you can automatically apply changes to all family types every time you make changes.

Demo Video: Associate Parameters Demo


Toggle Reference Planes:

What: Turns on/off the visibility of Reference Planes in the current view.

Why: Reference planes are necessary to create a highly flexible model. But sometimes they (visually) get in the way and it's nice to just turn them off. Now, reference planes can be turned off with the touch of a button and turned back on just as easily.


NEW FOR 2021! Revision Narrative and Comment Editor:

What: Formats a Revision Narrative document containing every revision cloud comment for every sheet. Also a revision Comment Editor to easily view and edit all of the revision comments in your project.

Why: Revision Narratives are frequently required by Contractors and Plan Checkers.  Even if you don't add a revision comment when you draw your cloud, the app will still help you find all clouds in your project so you can easily write your narrative without needing to carefully search for clouds on every sheet.

Informazioni sulla versione

Versione 2021.0.2.0, 14/12/2020
-Added new tool revision Comment Editor.

Schermate e video

Comment Editor

Recensioni dei clienti

13 recensioni
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  • Old version?
    Michal Pęczak | febbraio 14, 2023 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    Hello, does anyone own an old version that works with Revit 2016? If so, please comment back and we'll get in touch.

  • awesome!!!
    Miguel Romero | giugno 08, 2022 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    I love it... 
    super bummed today as i didnt know its not updated for 2023

    will be watching for it.
    thank you

    edit.. now im super bummed as all projects are now in 2023


    Christopher Malone | aprile 14, 2023

    It works on all the new versions. If you install the app and then copy the installed files from the Revit folder into the Revit 2023 folder (or whatever version you're using).

    CHRIS CASTELEIN | aprile 17, 2024

    and what files/folders would that be...

  • Simple and Great!
    Andrew Pulliam | novembre 18, 2021 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    Very ready for the 2022 version to drop!

  • Update for Revit 2022 ?
    Maude Dufrène | ottobre 05, 2021 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    This tool is absolutely amazing. Couldn't work without it, until I had to upgrade to Revit 2022 which CADDaddy Tools doesn't work on. Any news on when it will be available ?

    Anyway, thanks a lot for making this tool !

  • 2022
    Raaziq Tape | luglio 07, 2021 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    so hoping therell be an update for revit 2022! cant do without my caddaddy

  • This is awesome!
    Youngjoon Kim | aprile 02, 2021 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    I feel that it is very useful just by trying it out for a while

  • Older version?
    Noel Gustav | agosto 15, 2020 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    where can i get  a 2019 version..this works for 2021 only.I have both Revit 2019 and 2021 installed

    James Levieux (Autore) | agosto 23, 2020

    Hi Noel, I've you've installed the 2021 version and still have an older version installed, it may be because both are installed and competing against each other. The location of the 2021 version (that works for versions 2021-2018) C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\CADdaddy CADdaddy Tools.bundle The location for all other versions: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\CADdaddy Tools.bundle Close Revit and try deleting the latter folder (The one with only one "CADdaddy" in the name). Let me know if that fixes the problem. Regards, James

  • Will not work
    Benjamen Schwarz | agosto 06, 2020 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    I am unable to use this tool for the only reason I downloaded it. I cannot renumber doors. This error appears whenever trying to use it. You cannot close out the error and are forced to force quit revit. 

    James Levieux (Autore) | agosto 22, 2020

    Hi Benjamen, I've identified the problem. I'll be issuing an update within a week or so. Regards, James

    James Levieux (Autore) | agosto 30, 2020

    I've posted an update to the app store today. It usually takes about a week for Autodesk to review before it becomes available to the public.

  • easy, great
    Milan Durkaj | aprile 19, 2018 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    This is best app...Many thanks.


    Daniel De Oliveira | febbraio 16, 2018 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    This tool simply paid itself in one day. The ability to renumber the items is very useful and reduces project times significantly. Furthermore, the developers are there for you and will support all your needs, even if you need some personalization, what was my case. I definitely recommend it to anyone who wishes to accelerate the process of drafting and annotating. 100% working. A+++ developer!!

  • Hide in Views's issue.
    huy bui | settembre 17, 2017 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    Hide in Views are not working in group or member of a group. Please fix this. Thank you.

    James Levieux (Autore) | dicembre 19, 2017

    After some review I've come to the conclusion that we need to distinguish between Model Groups and Detail Groups. The Hide in View tool works correctly (but differently) for Model Groups and Detail Groups. For Model Groups the tool works as expected as for any other model item. Detail Groups are different. They are essentially annotations and, as such, are unique to each view so the tool treats them like any other annotation. When the program treats the group as an annotation is just hides/unhides the element in ONLY the current view which in not the behavior one might expect...but it's perfectly logical from the Revit perspective. Perhaps the best solution is for the tool to ignore annotations and Detail Groups completely and just alert the user that some annotations were selected but that they were ignored.

  • AAA +++easy, great
    Dieter Wolf | agosto 30, 2017 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    Simply very good! I love it.

  • simple, easy, great
    Chris Baumbach | settembre 10, 2015 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    I've been using CADdaddy Tools for Revit for a few years now and I love it. It paid for itself the first day I used it and continues to be a valuable addition to Revit. The developer provides excellent support and yearly updates are always available quickly.

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