AG Custom Ribbon Tab Builder

AG Custom Ribbon Tab Builder

Digitally signed app

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The AG Custom Ribbon Tab Builder is a plugin for Autodesk® Revit® designed to simplify your workflow. It enables you to create a dedicated ribbon tab where you can relocate frequently used panels and buttons from other tabs.


 Key Features:

  1. Custom Tab Creation: Generate a dedicated tab on your Revit ribbon called "Custom Tab".
  2. Panel & Button Consolidation: Easily move panels and buttons from other existing tabs to your new custom tab.
  3. Auto-Hide Empty Tabs: Tabs from which all panels and buttons have been moved are automatically hidden to reduce clutter.
  4. Plugin Tab Management: Combine panels and buttons from various installed plugins into your custom tab, making your workspace more organized.
  5. Renaming: The custom tab name can be changed to better align with specific projects, teams, or your architecture company's needs.
  6. Settings Management: The ability to save, export, and import settings via a straightforward script file.


Who Should Use It?

  • Architects
  • Designers
  • BIM Managers
  • Revit Users looking to streamline their interface
  • Future Developments

 Upcoming documentation will offer guidance on how to deploy this plugin on multiple machines efficiently.

Informazioni sulla versione

Versione 2.1.1, 17/04/2024
Revit 2025 support

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Recensioni dei clienti

1 recensione
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  • This's plugin I need
    Duy Nguyen | novembre 23, 2023 Download verificato (Guida rapida)

    It helps me load more desired plugins

    Arthur Ganem (Autore) | novembre 24, 2023

    Glad it is helpful! Thank you for your review :)

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