Placing Light
Have you ever searched for a tool to speed up the distribution of placing a light inside the room?
This add-in will insert the light and distribute it in standard distribution “X-2X-X” "Y-2Y-Y".
First - Select hosted light fixture in the false ceiling or Reference Plane.
Second - Pick two-point to specify a rectangular Room on the screen.
Third - Enter the number of the Light Row then enter the number of the Light Column.
Standard light distribution "X-2X-X" "Y-2Y-Y" will be placed on the same false ceiling or Reference Plane of the selected hosted light fixture.
バージョン 1.1.0, 2024/03/05
Placing the new Family now contains the Schedule level information
Dear developer kindly compatile this version with revit 2023 ,it supports upto 2022 version only
Developer please can you create for Revit 2023 and Revit 2024 ?
this program has become a daily used tool for me.
I have been looking for at app that could help me with this and im so happy about it.
You just have to get used to what end to click first and what number to input first.
The only sad thing i have to say is that it dosent work on an angled building.
Greate app. Please advise when this app become availble for 2020 vesion? Thank you.
thanks for the app.
this could be perfectible. could you change the input text to be clearer ? having 5 windows text with these notes :
-Choose your light family (need host)
-clic to the right up angle zone
-clic to the left down zone
-input the vertical light number
-input the horizontal light number
And if possible, it could be great if all family even without host can be placed !
Merci pour l'appication
il faudrait la perfectionner.
mettre des zones de texte avec les requetes suivantes
-choisir le luminaire (nécessite un hote)
-cliquez en haut à droite de la zone
-cliquez en bas à gauche de la zone
-indiquez le nombre de rangées verticales
-indiquez le nombre de colonne horizontales
de plus s'il était possible d'insérer des famille sans hote ça serait parfait !
good app
Good app
Barak Allaho Feek
very helpfull program
Please, it´s possible to ask for a free trial period version? thanks in advice