Simple and useful
Do you need to automatically create mass elements from a room’s objects in your project?
Create geometry from 2D or 3D room’s objects so you can visualize it volume in 3D view?
RoomMass is the right solution.
RoomMass for Autodesk® Revit® provides a tool to automatically create mass elements (mesh geometry) or to extrude (solid geometry) boundary profile from room’s objects so you can visualize the room’s volume in 3D View.
( Room 2D) if your project is configured in Area and Volume Computations to Areas only (faster), you can extrude each rooms profile (solid geometry). Base from level and base offset level, Height is determined from Upper Limit and Limit Offset parameters of each room.
( Room 3D) if your project is configured in Area and Volume Computations to Areas and Volumes, you can choose to create extrude masses like previous option ( Room 2D), solid geometry, or to generate mass elements (mesh geometry) from each room volume.
Download a sample rvt file to view mass generated from rooms here https://autode.sk/3tKs0Kw
Watch a video demo:
Creating 3D objects derived from 3D room geometry are quite simple and free by using Dynamo. What makes this tool to worth for $30? It doesn't sound logical.
It's logical if your time on dynamo it's not free, particularly if rooms geometry are not regular and simple extrusion, otherwise I am happy for you