Rebar Image
M, Y
Rebar Image is a plugin for Autodesk® Revit® that allows users to create an image (.jpg) base on rebar shape then assign it to rebar.
Main features:
- Create image base on rebar shape
- Save image to local folder (optional)
- Delete all exists rebar image
Contact us: https://bimstudio.com.vn
バージョン 1.0.4, 2024/12/26
-Create an image for rebar shape
-Delete all rebar shape image
-Update optional for create angle
-Fix 0 dimensions
-Update for rebar has varies value
-All same rebars have 1 image file
-Change image color
-Update SI Unit
para revit 2024?
the addin works well for standard units (m,mm etc) but does not work with imperial units(ft,in,etc)
we want image See like A B C D E F
showing same value for rectangular stirrups like blow and also some other
I hope you also make that is compatible to Revit 2023. Thanks
For revit 2023, we will update to Autodesk App Store as soon as possible. For now, you can download from our website: https://bimstudio.com.vn/app/f3b19254-7735-4b9a-86a6-329f314084a4
Is there any update for Revit 2023
Will the add-in be upgraded to 2023?
For revit 2023, we will update to Autodesk App Store as soon as possible. For now, you can download from our website: https://bimstudio.com.vn/app/f3b19254-7735-4b9a-86a6-329f314084a4
will it work on 2023 version?
For revit 2023, we will update to Autodesk App Store as soon as possible. For now, you can download from our website: https://bimstudio.com.vn/app/f3b19254-7735-4b9a-86a6-329f314084a4
Thanks! Very convenient.
Hello Sir, Can you fix about this plugin, Comman Failure for external command, my revit is 2022.1
Thanks for your support. You can check newest version from our website: https://bimstudio.com.vn/app/f3b19254-7735-4b9a-86a6-329f314084a4
Thanks, it works well. Great job.
All that still misses from revit is rebar detail item, that could be your next plugin.
Thanks for your support. We've already released that tool from our website. We will release it to Autodesk Store soon.
Thanks for your tool, it helps me a lot. Tool have 1 typo "angle"
Thanks for your support.
good, thanks
Thanks for your review, if its helpful, can you rate our tool 5 stars?