Quick Select By Filter
System operacyjny:
Reduce your time in selecting elements and deleting multiple filters:
- The tool helps Autodesk® Revit® users to select elements quickly by filters. It can also help Revit users delete multiple filters in just one click.
- The tool is independent with Revit Commands, so Revit users can open it and work with all Revit Commands at the same time.
- It is also available to display the addin window always on top of Revit.
- This tool is available for Autodesk® Revit® 2017-2020. The new version will be updated along with new Revit Version.
This tool is totally free, simply install and enjoy the app! If this tool is helpful for you, you can donate me a cup of tea.
Informacje na temat tej wersji
Wersja 1.0.1, 21.10.2021
Upgrade to be compatible with Revit 2021 and Revit 2022
Where are the version for reivt 2021?
Very good
Thank you. I've been waiting a long time.
It's a excellent tool. This tool make selecting elements in Revit much easier.