Connector Magic
Г, М, Бесплатная 30-дневная демоверсия


The advantages at a glance:

  • Content independent
  • Use your corporate standards
  • Interactive help and monitoring wizard


In some cases, while modelling a project, users face a problem that they have no necessary families or the families they have do not fit the exact situation in the project (for example on first phases of projecting when there is no need in high LOD or for some specific technological projects). Usually, in those cases, users must browse necessary families or create them by themselves. That takes bunch of time and the families will most probably be replaced on the next phases of modelling. It is especially exhausting creating families with pipe/duct connectors.


The tool brings a solution to save the effort and time by adding automatically special connector families and binding them to any family instances (which contain 3D solid) and any system in the model. So that even having one simple, family in the model, for example box shape, the user will be able to construct and automatically calculate the system without reworking the family.

Сведения об этой версии

Версия 1.0.0, 20.05.2022
Initial release

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