

The application converts the real building model to the “CFD computational model” autonomously and does not need any CFD expertise or prior CFD knowledge. 
AHC is a cloud-based CFD SaaS product that generates accurate CFD results without any CFD inputs asked from the user. CFD model is built automatically while creating the BIM configuration using an in-build BIM designer.  Users can define design configurations and scenarios and quickly do a design exploration to estimate thermal comfort for each situation. The product is validated against many test cases.

App is powered by Autodesk® Forge. Revit IO powers the BIM model creation. We will be also supporting Autodesk Revit import and export in the upcoming version

Описание пробной версии

Autonomous HVAC CFD App Trial

You need to visit the Autonomous HVAC CFD app details page 

Click on the Join Early Access button. It will redirect to the login page if you already have an account with simulationHub. Otherwise one needs to sign up with few details. After signing in, you need to fill an Early Access Request Form with details about the HVAC Project you want to try out and it will automatically activate the subscription with one click of submit button.

Once you activate the subscription by clicking on the Join Early Access button, you will get simulation credits worth $500 and validity for 90 days. You can explore the product and estimate thermal comfort for a space of 5000 square foot area.

Сведения об этой версии

Версия 1.0, 27.09.2021
AHC Early Access

Скриншоты и видео

AHC Early Release Video

Рецензии клиентов

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