B's WallAutoOpening 2021(Trial version)

B's WallAutoOpening 2021(Trial version)




This is an add-in software that creates an AutoOpening(*) on the adjacent wall along with the door, window, or wall opening.

This software is effective when the skeleton, base, and finish are entered as "single walls" instead of "composite walls".

*The opening created by this add-in software


Until now, you had to create openings in the groundwork and finish along with the windows and doors you entered in the body.

By using this add-in, you can create multiple openings at once, which can greatly reduce the work time.

Since it also has a function to display a list of created AutoOpening, you can easily check the number of created AutoOpening.


<About add-in functions>

1. Create AutoOpening(Single) function

  • Create an automatic opening on the wall adjacent to the selected wall.
  • The wall is selected by the method of "select one arbitrary wall".


2. Create AutoOpening(Lump) function (*Available only in paid version)

  • Creates AutoOpening in the wall adjacent to the selected wall.
  • The selection of walls is done by a method of "selecting all at once using "level" specified on the screen".
  • The object to be processed is the wall whose "Level" specified on the screen and the value of the "Base Constraint" property match.


3. Delete AutoOpening(Lump) function (*Available only in paid version)

  • Delete the created AutoOpening.
  • The selection of the AutoOpening to be deleted is done by the method of "select all at once using the "level" specified on the screen".
  • The processing target is the AutoOpening that matches the value of the "level" specified on the screen and the "level" property of the AutoOpening. 

4. Created AutoOpening List function

  • Lists the created AutoOpening.
  • Select an AutoOpening from the list to highlight it in the view.

Описание пробной версии

The following functions cannot be used in the Trial version.

・Create AutoOpening(Lump) function

・Delete AutoOpening(Lump) function

Сведения об этой версии

Версия 2021.0.1, 13.09.2021
Ver 2021.0.1 Fixed a bug that caused abnormal termination Ver 2021.0.0 first version

Скриншоты и видео

Before execution -> After execution

Рецензии клиентов

0 рецензия
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