glTF Exporter

Digitally signed app



* The plugin becomes out of support and won't get updates for Revit 2025 and higher. Please consider purchasing version under subscription at this store page - it has more features and bug fixes.


Get a 3D model of your Autodesk® Revit® project in the glTF format as it appears in a 3D view.


Addin gives you options to:

  • Choose to export materials or not,
  • Select the level of details for geometry,
  • Bake meshes by element or by material,
  • Export lights,
  • Choose format between gltf and packed glb,
  • Compress meshes using Draco compression,
  • Export your model with multiple LODs merged in a single file


Fast export, tiny size, excellent visual assets support, and precise geometry handling lets you exhibit any Revit model in the most beautiful way in a growing number of applications that support glTF 3D format.


Output files include textures for materials, glTF version 2.0 JSON, and binary files.

Сведения об этой версии

Версия 2023.5.21.16, 01.05.2024
- Revit 2024 support - export Direct Shapes - fix textures mime type - textures size improvements - expose logs in case of error - improve multi threaded texture processing - fix exporting MEP elements from linked files - digitally sign files

Скриншоты и видео

Ray Trace view of the model in Revit compared to the same model exported and opened in default Windows 10 application.

Рецензии клиентов

6 оценки
Техническая поддержка
  • excellent tool
    Mikita Yankouski | февраля 12, 2023

    A good, and most importantly, really necessary tool. Allows even heavy models to be easily viewed and shares a simple link with customers (glTF format can be viewed for free online). Works fast and the model looks great!

    Good job keep it up!

    Kiryl A (Разработчик) | января 10, 2024

    Thanks for the review, Mikita! You can try our web application to view and share glTF models online!

  • Excellent
    Anton Manzul | апреля 02, 2020 Проверенная загрузка (Что это такое?)

    Hi. Thank you for your plugin. It is really fast and shows all the details, which is really helpful when high LOD

    Kiryl A (Разработчик) | мая 24, 2020

    Our team appreciates your feedback a lot and keeps working hard to preserve as many details as needed for your business to succeed!

  • great plugins
    飞 尼 | марта 18, 2020 Проверенная загрузка (Что это такое?)

    very great plugins

  • Very great plugins
    飞 尼 | марта 18, 2020 Проверенная загрузка (Что это такое?)

    I am a VR developer from China and an architectural designer.

    Excuse me for my bad English.

    I need to export the revit model to glTF format. I use other plugins, but the best one is glTF Exporter-Griffel Studio.

    Great for model optimization. Importing my project is very smooth.

    I highly recommend this plug-in for anyone with this need.

    I also look forward to adding new features and upgrades in the future.

    thank you very much!

    Kiryl A (Разработчик) | мая 24, 2020

    Thank you for so nice and multiple feedback, 飞 尼! =) We are pushing an update the next week, I'll let you know when you can download it!

    Mars T. | мая 29, 2020

    Hello, can you send me same sample glTF file for real architectural designs? thanks.

    Kiryl A (Разработчик) | июня 01, 2020

    Hi, Mars T. If you are asking the development team, the best way to reach us is by sending an email at We provide sample files and could export your project if you wish, I just need to know your email.

  • very great plugins!
    飞 尼 | марта 18, 2020 Проверенная загрузка (Что это такое?)

    I am a VR developer from China and an architectural designer.

    Excuse me for my bad English.

    I need to export the revit model to glTF format. I use other plugins, but the best one is glTF Exporter-Griffel Studio.

    Great for model optimization. Importing my project is very smooth.

    I highly recommend this plug-in for anyone with this need.

    I also look forward to adding new features and upgrades in the future.

    thank you very much!

    Taylor W | декабря 06, 2022


    Kiryl A (Разработчик) | января 10, 2024


  • very great plugins!
    飞 尼 | марта 18, 2020 Проверенная загрузка (Что это такое?)

    I am a VR developer from China and an architectural designer.

    Excuse me for my bad English.

    I need to export the revit model to glTF format. I use other plugins, but the best one is glTF Exporter-Griffel Studio.

    Great for model optimization. Importing my project is very smooth.

    I highly recommend this plug-in for anyone with this need.

    I also look forward to adding new features and upgrades in the future.

    thank you very much!
