Convert Revit Rooms to 3D Masses

Convert Revit Rooms to 3D Masses

М, Г, Бесплатная 30-дневная демоверсия


This tool is designed to convert Autodesk® Revit® rooms to 3D blocks (contains all room data) which can be colored by a filter. 

The tool will help planing engineers to start their projects in Revit by converting the rooms to 3d mass blocks and giving them colors by the filter.

Сведения об этой версии

Версия 1.1.1, 24.05.2024
The previous version was storing all the data transferred from the room to the mass in one parameter, the updated version will create new parameter for each parameter in the room and transfer the data to ease data manipulation process and scheduling process.

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1 рецензия
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  • Great work !!
    Alex Stojevski | июля 24, 2024

    Works amazing thank you :) 
