PlanIT Impact Addin

Digitally signed app
PlanIT Impact makes meeting your high-performance goals easier... AGAIN.
PlanIT Impact is the quickest way to achieve high-performance buildings and landscapes that meet your financial goals. With this first-of-its-kind web application, you can introduce costs and estimate ROI during preconstruction, helping your clients exceed their corporate social responsibility goals. Schedule a demonstration: https://planitimpact.com.
The PlanIT Impact Plugin for Autodesk® Revit® automatically determines the following:
- Exterior wall area by orientation
- Window area by orientation
- Overall window-to-wall ratio
- Total building area
Users can quickly review and refine results with the following features:
- Automatic assignment of window/wall properties
- Isolation mode for windows and walls to easily check out the model
- Manual override for any inconsistencies
- Quick Export button to easily move from drawing to energy modeling